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Posts posted by skulls

  1. did a price estimate on bike bandit for all oem - the exhaust looks like 2200 for oem parts + labor and the exhaust is 1200 so i hope they dont total it that would suck , i worry about insurance claims adjusters . if the repair gets up there they just total it and leave you with out the bike , that would suck.

  2. rode bike home yesterday , looks like left side skins are gone and nose clip is gone , tank has a dent and the guage wires are cut . Lost the windshield and scuff the shit out of the exhaust . All in all i think it can be repaired pretty easy . still debating on the insurance thing but we will see come monday . thanks for all the get wells and see ya all soon ( sucks not riding sunday at 64 degree's :( )

  3. Well had my first spill in about 15 years :( Thursday night leaving thortons gas station on hamilton road , heading north with vrod looked away for just a second and looked back up and vrod took a quick right turn and i couldnt get the brakes on fast enough . I hit the brakes and looking down to my surprise was gravel ( fucking sucks ) anyways i slid into the back of him and tried to get the bike down before i hit him , thought i did but dont remeber hitting him . took of his plate holder and a turn signal ( glad it wasnt worse ) Helmet really saved me hit head first and shoulder but i think if it wasnt for the helmet i would be fucked . Anyway just wanted to say thanks to the guys who helped me out in a bind ( wheezle , vrod , yota ) and thanks for the check up calls from others . Ill be down for a while (pain pills are fun ) but all is good and ill see ya all soon :)

    P.S. wear your gear :rulez:

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