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Posts posted by bigbluebird

  1. oh and if you are going to work on your bike get the right tool for the job. it may cost you up front but not having to replace a 60 dollar part (oil filter bolt on a 73 honda 350f is 11mm not 12mm) because you didn't have a 4 dollar socket is always going to be a stupid move.

  2. i don't know about that. i am sure they are effective at getting money from people. they threatened to garnish my wages and pursue me in every legal way they could if i dropped my bike during the test ride. this is the same bike mind you that had its handle bars in the wrong/non stock position because when they transported it from their storage to the store and the clip ons slid down the forks.

    i mean sure nothing instills confidence like having your hand wedge itself between the fairing and the handle bar. of course i didn't notice this nice little surprise until after i had bought the bike.

    the right clip on was about an inch down from the fork bridge and left clip on was about an inch and a half. how they missed that one i will never know.

    but again it was my first bike with clip ons, but now i know to look for that when buying a new bike.

  3. well it seems like i am not the only one that has an issue with them. i just feel bad for anyone who chooses to go to them in the future.

    king i know what you mean. i don't think i got a fair shake on my trade in

    this was an expensive lesson i learned from the HINDS expierence, but then again i am the smarter for it and whenever i have a friend looking for a bike i can show them in a very tangable (rodent nest) way what you get when you go to them.

    just be glad that hinds has not found this post look at what the owner had to say about another person that complained


    page two is awesome

    i am so :beathorse: and i know it.

  4. not a 350 twin frame. i have a cb350f frame but it does not have a title pure parts bike

    not a clue on the pipes. from what i hear the 350 was the highest selling bike in us history. so i imagine everybody and their brother was making parts for them at some point or another

    good luck with the cafe theme i tried and got a rat instead. you might try the rice paddy they have parts bikes from time to time might have a title

  5. i hate cagers who almost side swipe a bike when changing lanes then stop at a light and yell at the biker for being on the road. i think that car spent the next half hour stuck behind the slowest car in the world that he could not seem to pass.

  6. it depends a traditional rat bike is a bike that over the course of its life has been coxed to continue rolling by the cheapest most creative means possible.

    this does not mean riding a bike that does not run well it means that instead of buy a oem part you use a monster can (super props there) because it works just as well and does not cost you a dime because you already paid for the can.

    my 350f is not a rat bike in the traditional sense. it is a wanna be. i had a parts bike and it was in bad shape so i took what parts i could and rust converted them. then matted them out and replaced the nice shinny chrome bits on the good bike. so it is more of a matte bike than a rat bike.

  7. nope no t-shirt just pissed off. that is one thing i want to avoid by taking care of my bikes.

    plus since i didn't make it i can only give credit to the rodents who have probably climbed on every bike they sell

    on a side not i am kinda pissed my spare tank surprised me with a lovely rust varnish oil sludge mix when i hit the reserve so i am rebuilding the carbs, and going back to the pretty tank. i hope to have some pics up tomorrow once i get some new pod filters.

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