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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. eh who gives a fuck. most people in america could give 2 shits about motorcycle racing. shes just stating her opinion, one that most people could prolly relate to. thats why i only watch the bbc broadcasts of gp. theyre the only ones that know wtf is goin on
  2. doubt it. this isnt the first time someone has done this and unfortunately it wont be the last
  3. geez, as though those of us that ride gix's dont already have it hard enough
  4. Nope wasn't me. I don't even know anyone at iron pony. I was under the impression they were affiliated with each other. Guess ya learn something new everyday
  5. ok i fixed it bro! haha

  6. dude i have no idea why my profile doesnt show anything?

  7. if no one grabs the front ill take it and ill pay for shipping if need be
  8. any more i wont even ride back there unless its just to cruise. too many guard rails, trees and not to mention the quality of roads is shit
  9. here ya go man, im not sure exactly what you need so have a look http://www.oneidasuzuki.com/store/cycle/2006-gsx-r-600/
  10. so wait, is brian (formerly Lizard 1), the same guy that does all the review videos? i thought his name was brian too
  11. There's a microfische on the site man. It should have every part you need. Ill see if I can find it for you tomorrow
  12. YOU my dear are far from quiet! :lol:

  13. no prob man i thought you guys were lost so i waited and then putted down 539 and 22 hoping you guys would catch up. def wasnt riding my best today. after that semi scared the shit outta me, it was all down hill after that
  14. I always have to make sure man. ever since you fell out of the bed with Nate and broke your arm, I'm finding it hard to trust you 2
  15. Are you serious? Yeah I will be there friday for sure. Wait...we're talkin about a female stripper right?
  16. getting ready to take off in a few. hope to see some of you down there!
  17. It will likely be each other, so make sure you call before you come over mel
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