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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. i just met him today but anytime a rider falls it effects us all. we all look out for each other. we are all family! for those of us that witnessed this happen, its a tough pill to swallow.
  2. i will be there brandon. keep me posted
  3. this is something i wish none of you to have to experience. be safe out there guys. stuart hit some gravel and lost control. couldve happened to any of us
  4. http://www.wlwt.com/traffic/21544237/detail.html we were riding with stuart today when he was killed. please keep his family and friends in your prayers
  5. i talked over your theories with him and it seems like the most plausible one may be the exhaust valve. i have no loss of power from the motor and now that i have new plugs in, she feels like shes running a bit smoother. my initial thoughts were a bad plug or the secondary to that cylinder was spraying too much fuel, which sounds along the lines of your last post. im hoping that it was the plug, but somehow i feel i will have to revisit the injector theory
  6. thanks recon for some plausible theories. im goin to talk them over with my mechanic neighbor and see what he thinks and what we should do about it. as far as the blow-by, its most certainly gas. the weird thing is tho its like a gummy gas like its been sitting there for awhile. the first time i noticed it i thought it was oil but according to my neighbor, its fuel
  7. yes i do realize what im looking at and i realize the cams go across the motor. what i was referring to when i said the left side was the timing chain as a starting point as to which to label the cylinders in succession, 1-4. i misstated that, my fault yes im also aware of the need to have it tuned. a generic map, while not preferable, will allow me the leisure of time until i can have the bike dynoed and tuned accordingly. this thread also is not about me putting a pc on or a specific question about one. its about me trying to figure out why one cylinder is getting more gas than the others. it may or may not have anything to do with the pc. thanks for your input tho
  8. are you running a pc5? pretty sure the pc3 does not allow each cylinder to be mapped individually
  9. i noticed that when i took my airbox off, i have gas blow by on the #4 stack inside the airbox. all my plugs looked good for normal wear except #4 is running rich (timing chain is on the left side?, so the #4 cylinder is where the blow by is coming from). i am running a pc3. what is the problem here? i dont understand why one cyclinder would be running richer than the other 3. is this something i need to address right now or is it not that big of a deal?
  10. yeah i posted this a while back...
  11. you should. a few of us on the junkies site will be there as well. roll out time will be 11
  12. I will be riding 10/22 on 10/22. Anyone wanna come down and ride with me post up
  13. damn i know where all that is! score one for the good guys
  14. lemme say that stripping an engine mount bolt is not a great thing, but it isnt the end of the world either. i cross threaded my engine mount bolt and had to heli coil it. but i agree to always use a torque wrench! just fyi, engine mount bolts on a gix are 39 lbs (at least on the 06-07's)
  15. will likely be the usual route. pm sent
  16. Not sure if you're interested but a few of us may run nky this sunday. Riding days are becoming few and far between
  17. see thats part of my problem, hp is not making it right with these people. some have complained that even their 4th repair didnt fix the issue. im no computer genius but i can work my way around one pretty well
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