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Everything posted by zukigsxr1000

  1. videos of the ride are finally up on page 3 I am off this upcoming tuesday and gonna ride. Gonna meet up with some friends at my house around 2:30pm. We can have a later meeting time if anybodys interested, like 5:30 at chipolte or something. Just let me know 513 313 3856 Andrew Looking forward to meet some of the new cincy guys Gonna test out my new camera and a home-made mount i fabed up:metal:
  2. welcome, I used to live in loveland, My cousin lives right inbetween loveland and milford and we ride all the time, just pm me your number and i will call you when we ride
  3. But we need to do a skill check before we start.... We dont need another ride like that last one of the season last year.... Although seeing someone go the wrong way on 275 and then offroading down the overpass hill was the funniest thing i have ever seen... just wish i could have video taped it....
  4. I am off and i will be out riding with my cousin.... gonna start at my house(off Mill rd in forest park) hopefully at like 11am and ride east river rd. If anybody wants to meet up let me know. I plan on riding all day or till it starts to get dark and the temp drops. My cousin lives in milford, i dont know if we will ride out there we might....If interested call me (513) 313 3856 Andrew
  5. UPDATE I went ahead and clear coated all the remaining peices this past friday. Just waiting for the sticker kit to come in the mail.... 95% finished pics.......... for shits and giggles here is a pic of the bike when I first brougt it home All stretched out and worthless before After:cheers: (IGNORE THE BLUE TAPE ON THE STOMP GRIP, JUST MAKING SURE THE ADHESIVE TAKES)
  6. well I got called in early so I work a 7to 5 tomorrow, if the weather permits I will ride tomorrow night if anyone wants to ride... just give me a call 513 313 3856
  7. welcome, Like jermattak, i live really close to you, I actually work out at Urban active in west chester.
  8. What time you thinking about riding? I might ride for a couple hours before i go to work at like 1ish
  9. almost done... the tank, tail, and side fairings are done, just buffing them, I still gotta clear the front fender and front fairing then paint the undertail. I will probably do that tomorrow since I am off then assemble it saturday morning before i go to work. I got a sticker kit coming in the mail I still gotta put on too... heres a little sneak peak.... (took the pic with my phone)
  10. damn it i gotta work saturday
  11. i get off work at 5 and can be there by like 6ish 2........
  12. I am down, if the weathers bad we should should still meet up there. This would be a good chance for some of the new cincy guys to introduce themselves in person...
  13. even if the classes are full, you can still go to the class you want and try to "sign in" for it. When I took the class at live oaks, the instructor let 5 people join, due to the fact that some people signed up and paid the $25 fee and didn't show up to attend the class... so he let the 5 walk ons pay and take the class. Great classes to take
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