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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. good see you in the morn.

    looks like moose Maxpower, alab and i havent heard back from chevysoldier and or strictly street. headind down 37 to a fishing shack max uses .

  2. You da man Yotaman.

  3. jagr

    Cleveland bike show. ill be going for sure, P said if he didnt have his munchkins he would go too. im thiinking saturday, we should car pool huh?


  4. Hey where you been? You guys sponsoring a ride that includes a stop at the moto-museum?

  5. sory i swear i posted it on youre pagr. looks like he hooked you up though.

  6. Yeah I'm in. Maybe a dude I work with. Not sure if wifey will go. No work Thursday either.

  7. Good to hear. You gonna be able to come up on Saturday for the send off shindig?

  8. Where you been kid? i miss all your rabble rousing.

  9. What up mang. Welcome. All those visits and no messages? The fellas must be feeling a bit shy.

  10. Click here.


    Click the red "New Thread" button and tell us about yourself.

  11. Well if you wanna meet me in Circleville at 11am I could prolly roll down to the river with you. She can get them home after they get their shots. I would just follow her down on the bike.

  12. CoOl. Good to know. I'll prolly be down.

  13. oh and Happy B-Day too.

  14. reconrat, moose and maxpower are in. waiting on strictly street to chime in.

  15. You want me to pick up a tix for you?

  16. ARTapalooza's are already scheduled. (Shallowtail shows, bitches)

    April 10th at Dolphin Lounge, Cbus

    **NEW** April 30th, Arlington Cafe, Cbus -----We need people for this one!!!

    May 7th Fats Billiards, Cbus

    May 15th Dolphin Lounge, Cbus

    May 22nd Roll On Columbus, Cbus

    June 19th Shimmers, Covington, KY

    More to come. Always gotta promote this shit.

  17. Radio Flyer has a buddy looking for a 500 interceptor.

    Just thought you might want to know.

  18. I'm 2 minutes from the pony. Give me a call next time.

  19. Did you catch the thievin' sombitches?

  20. Got my figers crossed for you mang.

  21. Just saw I posted on my own page. Sry.

    That's cool we'll hook up Thursday. I'll go pick up some coveraterial and look for some mem foam and gel. Anything else let me know.

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