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Everything posted by jagr

  1. If they wear all black and have a cat they are bad. If they are short, blue with white shoes and/or hats they are good. Gargamel is not to be cornfused with Amy Winehouse. Amy Winehouse has already been neutralized. (Too soon?)
  2. I'd love to get this. http://www.pinnaclearmor.com/body-armor/dragon-skin/
  3. My bad. It's my fault for assuming you had the common sense to realize I've been talking about extremists such as AlQueda and Taliban and Gargamel this whole time. You just lump everyone in the same barrel don't you? Whatever makes it all easier for you.
  4. What's with all this double post shit lately?
  5. Shit im thinking about taking this guys class. My class was a poor excuse of how a class should be taught. I'm saying this from what I learned in the NRA Instructors course of how and what CCW training should be.
  6. One of my good friends is an Iraqi. A former soldier and a devout Muslim. If you like he will tell you the evil that extremists lay on their own people prior to our involvement. His hatred of Saddam and the Bathists and the like makes my feeelings on the subject look laughable. But shit. You'd probably argue with him.
  7. Who said anything about civilians? You always go there. I never said anything about genocide or wiping out Islam. I'm talking about those who take up arms against us. Not women, kids, grannies and goats.
  8. I am not condemning every Muslim so stop with that tired shit. I condem those who raise a Schwartz against us. We are master Schwartz handlers.
  9. When dealing with someone who wants to kill every Westerner and completely destroy our way of life. They who have no regard for their women. Who's main crop is a drug that funds their ability to kill our troops and innocents in other countries. My integrity wouldn't fill a teaspoon. I would use everything in my arsenal to seek them out and put them down. We have our own IEDs. They are called Claymores and JDAMS. I see no problem littering the mountainsides with their dead via Apaches, Warthogs and Specters. Fleets of robot aircraft rain down antitank missiles called Hellfires on ragged clothed cavemen and I smile and laugh. I fell no guilt when my people kill our enemy. I feel no pity, no shame.
  10. Agree to a point. Most religions have moved past cutting off heads and strapping bombs to women and kids. They haven't. So fuck them.
  11. No. Doubtful. Were they taught this? Of course. This is base housing. Not east side Cbus. Myself having spent alot of time on Marine Bases I can tell you most everything stops for playing of Colors and Taps. If you don't you'll get squared away quick. Stop what you are doing. Face flag. If you can't see the flag face the direction of the music. Stand at attention. Salute. Civvies. Do the same. Remove cover(hat). Minus salute.
  12. Welcome to the site MG. enjoy.
  13. Maybe there is hope for the future. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhkMwAhIOcU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  14. Welcome to the site. I'm the guy trolling for members on BMC. Enjoy.
  15. jagr

    Uprising U.S.A

    That's ghey. How are future generations going to learn from us if all that wealth of knowledge is gone when the alien zombies EMP the whole solar system??? I find your lack of foresight disturbing!
  16. Integrity Huh? Our enemy has none. I'm tired of this "I respect my enemy. They fight for a cause and fight with honor" crap I hear vets spewing. Thank Jesus for "Unlawful Combatants". They have no protection whatsoever. These people will kill you and rape your whole family in the name of Allah. They've been doing this for centuries. It's nothing new. There's your integrity. ROEs. I've been in various places with different ROEs. One of my favs was NO ROE. Anything near the perimeter/AO gets put down. No aid is to be administered. Survivors are to be shot in the face. They were not interested in Intel and or biometrics. That's how sensitive some areas are. We have these areas IN the US as well. Can the public deal with this? I never really cared.
  17. Meh. He has a Ducati. They're just for looking at anyway.
  18. AbDecal would sell a few of these.
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