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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. jagr

    yeah i know. its pretty bad. i know i gotta come in on Thurs cause Dorsey is at the osha thing.

  2. yeah i picked up Brets bike. its not that bad. couple of bends in the subframe under the seat and it needs new tail plastics and some paint.

  3. yeah i think im good now. its just too frakin cold outside. i hate it.

  4. yeah i want it, its just getting it up here. ill see if Moose can fit it .

  5. yeah I'll prolly be there.

  6. Yeah I'm in. Maybe a dude I work with. Not sure if wifey will go. No work Thursday either.

  7. Yeah ill be at QSL. :beating:

  8. Yeah it rides real good. New bearings and rubber prolly help alot though. The bearig in it were fried. Dust seals gone and all gunked up. I'm suprised it rolled at all.

  9. Yeah same here. trying to keep busy. im really hating this cold.

  10. Yeah that's cool. I think we might be heading to Gumps cabin down on the Muskingum river. Not 100% sure but I'll find out.

  11. Yeah took like 10 minutes. I'll check out that vid too thanks.

  12. yeah we could do that.

  13. Yeah where you been man? Oh and hope you had a good Veterans day man.

  14. Yeah. He is. I hung out with him alot this year.

  15. Yeah. I will check out the demo day with you weather permitting.

  16. Yeah. i wonder if they are doing tracks for the new Tron Legacy flick. found that pic while searching about it.


  17. Yeah. Missed you dewd.

  18. Yeah. Post it. Vmessage me the link and I'll try to move it.

  19. Yeah. That's cool bro. My wife will be glad to hear that. :D

  20. Yeah. They'll be $148 for a 2008 Z1000.

    I was hoping you could do better plus a gratuity.

  21. Yeah. Today. :D

    thanks mang!

  22. Yeah. you said its got a broken part but still works?

  23. yep confirmed. one source says they are laying down 24 tracks just for this movie.

  24. jagr

    Yep good. You?

    Wanna go see Arts band Friday night? They are Playing Flannigans. (Sawmill and 270)

  25. Yep I did. I'm good with whatever you wanna do. I'm your dude all day on the 10th.

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