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Everything posted by jagr

  1. Where are you in Westerville? Im close to Westerville South HS.
  2. I got 2 cans of it. Flat and Gloss. Want it?
  3. It has to be in Nuetral to start IF the kickstand is DOWN. Up. it doesnt matter.
  4. Long story short = JJ doesnt wear an 8.5.
  5. Casper youre like 82" tall. How are you wearing anything close to a 10???
  6. Respect. You guys are bringing the dead to life. I have some flat black sitting around if you want to murder that pink.
  7. jagr

    Ky is better.

    Sry. Welcome to the spot.
  8. You dont want to combine Jerpes with your Shepards Staff infection. That would be too much.
  9. Sounds like a plan T. Everybody going to Indy is gonna get Jerpes anyways.
  10. jagr

    Ky is better.

    KY is ok. This is better.
  11. So Whats the alternate plan if it rains??? Any idears???
  12. If the Wr250 is too tall the duke will be too right? But Dukes are awesome. Especially Daisy. My manliness won't allow me to tell you to get a Gladius. Sry. But used upright nekkids are easy to come by. Of course I'll recommend the Z1000 or Z750. but for a little smaller bike Also a SV650 Nekkid would be a good choice. I wasn't a fan of the S. Or the Yami FZ-6 (upright R-6). I have read good things about the Kawi 650 you mentioned too. Good luck with the bike hunt.
  13. We'll be there. Sounds like an awesome event and a good cause.
  14. Flesh swords FTL. I like turtles too Dave.
  15. Sorry to hear my friend.
  16. They don't call me Big Daddy Love for nothing. C'mere bitch. Sorry. Todd(1000rr-manlady) gets excited when I say that. You still running stock chain and sprockets? If no, what are you using?
  17. Guy on another forum has a carbon fiber foot and an air shifter. It's pretty trick. Heal up quick. One of those holes tore up my knee the same way.
  18. How's the hand???

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