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Everything posted by magifesq

  1. Allah is a tribal god from Mohammud "the prophet" claims is the same. Yes I have read the Koran / Quran, and they are different. Perhaps to an agnostic or atheist it would all be the same, perhaps to a non-christian it would all be just a technical difference - but the difference is like kissing your girlfriend Janet and telling her you love Denise - just not the same person. Again, maybe to you they are the same however when the bible clearly says Jesus was given the 'name above all names', and 'there is only one name under heaven and earth by which we must be saved (the name of Jesus)', now just in case you might be thinking something like that's all well and good for Jesus, but we're talking about God the Father - Jesus himself said 'I and the father are one'. If anyone wants chapter and verse, I can supply (didn't want to go that far).
  2. Rumor has it no actual or animated children were actually harmed in the production of the toy cack episode
  3. http://www.smm.org/buzz/buzz_tags/global_warming http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/CO2-it-is-not/ I just like this article because it call the whole global climate change hysteria - http://www.rockymountainnews.com/news/2008/apr/25/global-warming-hysteria/
  4. Let's a have a fun poke at Ironies in the General Government / Oxymorons and things that just don't make sense - I'll start - With all the government support for evolution, with survival of the fittest as a premise, protecting any species is directly opposed to this theory. Under the Clinton Administration some Owls were put on the protected species list and also there was a law past which banned ads for cigarettes. One highway ad sign in Washington State for smokes couldn't be taken down because the same owl on the endangered species list was nesting there. Here's another - one argument against the Alaskan pipeline is that it would disturb the mating habits of some caribou - now the caribou population there has grown 2-3 times the original number @ the time.
  5. Sunspots as it turns out may have had more to do with global warming than cow farts. I heard we're back into global cooling. The 70's the scientific consensus was global cooling, 90's global warming, I read a post here that the consensus again is cooling. So much for CO2 emissions, sunspots - http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0927/p13s03-sten.html - have been observed as the root for about the last 200 years.
  6. He will F@#$ you up! LOL
  7. :rant:Are you sure about that? World History 101 When Rome fell the libraries were burned non-christian invaders and that was the start of the dark ages The enlightentment (started by christian intellectuals) got the world back on track. In between we did have the crusades and the spanish inquisition, not the brightest moments. Let's examine just a few Christians in Science - Galileo, Copernicus, Alessandro Volta (yeah the battery guy), no small names in history, more if you care to dig. There's been hot debate whether Charles Darwin was a Christian or not, but we'll leave that to the historians. It's a shame that some believe that Truth and Science can't coexist. It would be very easy to hijack this thread onto the greatest destruction of mankind religious zealots vs godless serial killers, but that's not my intention here.
  8. You don't think old white folks actin' all young an' black ain't da bomb LOL!
  9. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO0kRE5OTZI www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbyExPu8BRY www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM9UVCG_K9o www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KsNBd_H1Cc www.youtube.com/watch?v=94m_P4-0wXw
  10. .....Didn't I see your face on the trojan ad...the one that said help prevent accidents like this:D? (If the guy is with his wife you can always get brutal) If that's your wife, who were you with at the mall last night? .....You know, there's no cure for stupid like that. .....Did your mom teach you that line or did you spend your whole life coming up with that? .....Just think if your mom would have swallowed, how different you'd have turned out. .....(best line for an abortion debate) If you'd have been aborted we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
  11. I'm thinking she discussed the event with the queer holding the camera. I don't wish evil on anyone, but if something bad happened to her, its not like she didn't earn it.
  12. Its people that put their lives on the line that allow us to enjoy the freedoms we have and I just wanted to say thanks to all the GOOD ones out there. We all could dig up the dirt on the bad ones, I even have a few 'bad cop' experiences of my own, but seriously I appreciate your service to our country.
  13. :DI have a plasma torch, removes a lot of mistakes
  14. It's just as hard a stretch to imagine 1 single brave cell coming to life amidst all the primordial chaos, but in the end its pretty simple - French mathematical genius (Blaise Pascal) put it like this - either A. The Bible is telling the truth and Heaven and Hell will be real, or B. Its not. If A not B then it would be a good idea to inform people and give them a choice. If B then A then just go do what you want.
  15. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1890303
  16. Since Obama got elected, I heard he promised white people rhythym - I started tapping my toes while listening to rap music, it might have been some of that Hip-hop club music (yes I'm talking white as can be for effect).
  17. I think I have a CDI @ my shop you should have no problems selling it when people can hear it run
  18. My Beef with the whole Atheist vs. Christian thing is all about Parity. If an atheist teacher can speak their opinions on public property then any faith should be allowed to speak their opinion as well without fear of retribution, however in my life experience I've found more often than not anyone but the Christian is allowed to speak their opinions on school grounds and other public properties. My .02 (.002 after tax)
  19. So $29.95 is greater than $30? I'm confused:confused::confused:
  20. I probably wouldn't treat a site sponsor like that, but what do I know, jacking the thread just to advertise for the competition.
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