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About 2wheels>4

  • Birthday 03/09/1979

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    East Side, Cbus
  • Vehicles(s)
    2009 Honda VFR800 Interceptor

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  1. Yay! Viffer power!! Definitely took me a few hundred miles to get used to the riding position. Mine already had heli bars and I added an AirHawk seat pad for extra comfort on distance. Power commander really smoothed out the throttle range and VTEC transition. Make sure you disable the PAIR valve and flapper right away if not already done... It's crazy easy and a significant improvement for free.
  2. Nice to meet a few new faces!
  3. Headed that way now. Sent from my VS990 using Tapatalk
  4. Haven't seen the OR crowd in a while, 7ish you say?
  5. I prefer my Galco King Tuk on the bike. Super comfortable for me and the girls say they can feel it, but that it's not uncomfortable for them either. My girlfriend actually patted me down while riding the other day because she couldn't feel it and wondered why I wasn't carrying. (I thought she was just being friendly, but nope... looking for the pistol..) She didn't find it and actually asked me where it was when we stopped... *Insert joke here about being used to a big gun between her legs... I typically carry a 1911, so not a tiny weapon, but it is still very comfortable, concealable and can be drawn in the saddle. (re-holstering is slightly more tricky... recommend practice on that one though I have a hard time thinking of reasons to draw while riding..) I also have no body fat for padding, so when I say "comfortable" I really mean it. Sometimes I reach back and check it just to make sure it is still there because I can hardly feel it when riding. A nice paddle holster works well also, but does tend to print a lot. Open carry is legal here in Ohio, so I don't worry too much about showing, but the King Tuk is absolutely invisible and easily accessible. The only downside is that it is extremely uncomfortable when sitting in a seat with a back, so when you get to a restaurant it's less comfortable and it does print noticeably when you are leaning forward to avoid poking yourself in the spine/kidney with checkered wood grips... (looks like you have a tail.. a very excited tail... LOL)
  6. Nice bike at a great price. I may be biased, but I highly recommend the VFR800. (or any Honda V4, for that matter..)
  7. I'm in C'bus, but sounds like I am free on Saturday and the weather is looking great. 8am to Wooster isn't happening, but I would be interested in dropping in with you mid-transit.
  8. I will be riding back from Wetzel on Sunday morning, assuming I survive. If I am not too hung-over (still fucked up) I may cruise up that way, who knows a few of the brothers may even join us. Hope you don't mind me smelling like stale booze and biker snatch.. Any Proprieters coming out? Hoblick? Long time no see, gents!
  9. All I can say is, I hope all these anti-2nd amendment geniuses get beaten to death with a blunt object while a law abiding gun owner laughs hysterically.
  10. All splits and no tits? Hey! Thats a HAND rail... The bridge troll just got a lot better...
  11. We have been hiring like crazy - Temp to Hire for good candidates. Still some positions, more opening soon. I need another EET very badly. (Electrical Engineering Technician) BSEET or equivalent experience. (some experience preferred w/ degree) Pay is DOE. Also looking for persons with experience in or willing to learn Electronics repair using solder wave machines, SMT rework tools, hand soldering, etc. Pay 9-10+ depending on skill Test department is also looking for testers to hook up hardware mock-ups and run software/hardware tests on PC motherboards. Not my department, but they are paying 10 I believe. A+ cert is a plus. Growing HDD test dept also looking for good people. Testing/imaging hard drives of all types. Also looking for a code monkey. Must be very strong in C++, DOS and SQL. Visual Basic is a plus. PM me for details, interview. -Matt
  12. 2wheels>4


    Club stuff.
  13. Not well at all.... Normally I can check "still riding, you pussies" but the white death has kept me from what the simple cold could not... My bike. We need that poll to be multiple choice since I have been using several coping mechanisms this winter, including but not limited to alcoholism, sitting on my bike making "vroom" sounds, smelling the exhaust AND the hookers and blow... Of course, at least two of those things I did mostly as a direct result of the fore mentioned alcoholism... Not enough whiskey in the world to make me learn the "sport" of curling though...
  14. Prison = $30k+ per year to hold an inmate Bullet and shallow hole = $1.50 for bullet (use good kind out of mercy) and $30k for backhoe. Backhoe is reusable for future offenders, or save more cash and make asshole dig own hole first... One other option = Sentenced with Transportation. Worked for the Brits, and now we have Ozland as a result, so win-win scenario, yes?
  15. Oh, the best is her update... He can't be gay because we taught him that it is against god's plan... Teehee... Thank Lucifer that kid will be eighteen soon, hopefully his new boyfriend will teach him about the condoms though! Run, Kid, run from your crazy, retarded parents!!!
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