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Everything posted by oomp

  1. do Crocs fall into the flippy floppys category ?
  2. Happy B-Day Chris , see ya in a few .
  3. oomp

    open invite....

    I'll stop by for a few , you know I need me some Moose time .
  4. oomp


    one of my Fav pics of your Scoot .
  5. try putting some Teflon tape on the Threads , also you might try a thin Brass Washer .
  6. hey man , looks like I won't be able to make it anyway .

  7. those are cool , where are you getting them from ? I might get some for the 600 .
  8. if the weather is good Wed , I'm gonna go to Pig Iron around 8pm . you in ?

  9. hey Tyler howzit ? , I still need to check your Bike out .

  10. Nice looking Yamaha , my FZ6 still won't be no match for you . dammit
  11. oomp

    Q-s-l 4-28-10

    that didn't take long , I got bored after going 2 times . hey , you down for a beer 2maro night ?
  12. me and hue jass where just talking about the Godz a few weeks ago . and jagr what do you know about 70s rock
  13. Hey , where did you get that New seat ? I like the way it looks , I have an 06 too .

  14. Happy B-Day Brutha , you gonna be out this way tonight ?
  15. good deal man and congrats , now go get really drunk and sleep it off for 2 days .
  16. I might be Interested in the Sissybar Bag , but I dont need the Saddle Bags . PM sent .
  17. oomp

    thanks Hoblick

    its getting there , I still got a few small things to finish up . then it will need Painted
  18. oomp

    thanks Hoblick

    some dude that looks like Zac Brown , do you know him
  19. oomp

    thanks Hoblick

    had him change out the Tires on the Yamaha today . he did a great job and he let me hang out talking bikes while I waited . so if you need Tires done give him a shout . thanks again
  20. posted from the Bar , gotta love it .
  21. Colin is pretty damn funny , was Ben eating Pretzels and Ice Cream ?
  22. oomp

    OR bike nights 2010

    make it happen and they will come .
  23. oomp

    OR bike nights 2010

    I'm with you J , I though that place worked out pretty well . I'd go back there again .
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