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Posts posted by Outlawz69

  1. Its been on craigslist like 3 times. I have people coming to "buy it" all day long but no one actually shows up with cash. Like title says its a 2006 gsxr 600 with the aftermarket fairing kit "lucky strike" www.KBB.com says the bike retails for $5800, but im looking around 5ish obo. Bike runs strong and is fast for a 600. I just need money due to this great economy.

    2006 gsxr 600- Clean title in hand

    Yoshi R-55 exhasut

    -1/+3 w/ 520 chian

    Lucky strike fairing kit.

    22k miles


    Tank is silver, right fairing needs fiberglass attention (minor) needs tires. Price is right ill put tires on.

    RickBoots03@yahoo.com or 513-917-4220



  2. Im not looking to spend much, i dont mind if their rashed up. Im tired of the Lucky Strike plastics. 06 gsxr 600 is my make and model.

    Im also wanting to buy some stands. Again not looking for anything special.

    I have womans Icon kitty Gloves (white), Helmet (size M), and jacket (size L? ill have to double check) But all was only worn once. Paid well over 500 so I can trade if want. All white and Blue


    Rick 513-917-4220

  3. Yuppers I used to live on Day RD and Dunlap is the road with the gravel on the road coming down off a gravel drive right in a turn..just a short distance from Gosling.Sometimes it gets cleaned up by the county..I think the owner should be out there with a broom.. same way with these jerks who cut their grass and blow it into the road.Yeatman is cool but short and the gravel trucks that have their base there kinda hog the road.

    lol exactly

  4. Tru dat I miss The Captain.... Yeah the Joe is awesome steeped in history... You should come up here to see the wings play in feburary... I'll get tickets if you are interested....

    hell ya man that would be freakin awesome!!! i played hockey for 12 years, but i kinda fell off with it. i miss it alot...

  5. I'm not pissed about getting caught (well not 100% that anyway).

    I was using my damn GPS to get out of shitty downtown, so must have missed that sign saying no go on 71 but when i saw a fucking great sign saying 71N this way I followed it. The point I was trying to make is that the cops (cops, judge what the fuck ever) still ended up giving me a fine for more than the 5 time DRUNK driver that hit me while I was at a stop light. I dont give two shits what your opinion is about that, that is fucked up!!!!

    And please feel free to quote my post where i say I hope the cops family get hit by a drunk driver, maybe you should get off your soap box & read what I said & not add shit you think I said.

    I also dont think I said I did nothing wrong either, please feel free to quote me if i did say that exact thing and again not something that seems to have been implied.

    I just thing the cunt in the badge could have gone about the whole thing a little different & not been a complete prick, ticket or no ticket.

    If you are a cop or becoming a cop or want to be a cop, dont forget there are a lot of shitty ones that make normal people hate all of them. For the good ones out there, carry on the good work.

    I'll be paying the ticket, not disputing it, If i was wrong then I was wrong, shit happens. Just not need to be a prick about it.

    You sound a little more than pissed too me... Hate to see when you are really mad.

    Ill agree with you on that, there are alot of dick head cops. Wishing their friends and family to be hit by a drunk driver is just wrong.

  6. i say he is in the Police "Acedemy" but i don't think the "Acedemy" uses dictionaries or spell check. Seems to be getting the cop speak down well tho.

    lol i did miss spell the hell out of Academy didnt I. :)

  7. So couldn't you just say "I'm in the police academy" like you love to point out in all your other posts or are you just trying to find different ways to say the same thing over and over?

    Or are you just a rent-a-cop who "technically" isn't in any "actual" police training other than a professed love for donuts?

    I can put it anyway you would like as long as your following...

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