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Posts posted by SicilianDude357

  1. Christmas has sucked for 4 years in a row. My ex-wife moved to New Hampshire with my son and refused to let me have him for the Holidays. This summer when he was here on vacation he asked me if he could come here for Christmas. I said I would love that to happen and we'd have to talk to his mother. He walked over' date=' picked up my phone, called his mother and told her he wanted to stay with me over Christmas break. I had no input or anything into that conversation. I could tell by the words he was speaking that she was trying to talk him out of it. He basically sealed the deal when he told her, "I've missed Daddy's birthday and Christmas 4 times because we moved to Uncle Ray's house. If we didn't move I could see him and you every Christmas." Isaac turns 9 on Wednesday.

    I pick him up on the 20th and take him home on the 27th. This year will be the first year this house will be decorated in Christmas Commercialization Spectacular. This is the first Christmas in almost 5 years that I won't be the Ebeneezer Scrooge at all the Christmas functions. This year, I love Christmas!!

    This year, Isaac gets this for Christmas...


    good for you man....i remember what christmas was like after my parents got divorced. i celebrate christmas 4 times a year now...

    Christmas Eve night with my dad's side

    Christmas morning with my dad

    Drive to my moms

    Christmas morning again with my mom

    Christmas night with my moms side...

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