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Posts posted by Cdubyah

  1. I stopped at a gas station and picked up a bunch of water to hand out to people when they were getting tired at the end.  Really came in handy.


    One girl said she needed some bread or something... she said she was allergic to all the food at the food stop or something like that.


    Something to keep in mind this year.

  2. wonder if john is leading again this year? 

    I think it would be stellar if the escorts had extra water, food, medical and bike repair kits this year.



    Tubes would be freakin swell. There were so many flats last year on High street.

    I didn't have a single tube to be able to change out. Might have to make a couple of purchases this year before the ride.

  3. There were four groups.

    Fast ride had 4

    MEd fast had 10-11

    Med had 10 - 11

    Slow - 13

    Tonik's island of hate - 2

    Ninjadoc - 1


    Pretty good turnout considering most of the riders were not from the central Ohio region.

    In fact, I would say 75% of the riders road over 2 hours to make the meetup. Some road 4-5 hrs.

  4. There is one memeber here that had one. kzz1997479611 something like that. Name is Keith. He's not on here much, cuz he's old, and living in Florida.


    I know that with less that 500 miles the motor seized, exploded, and locked up the rear tire. All while spraying oil and motor pieces all over the effing road. 

    Luckily he managed to keep it upright, and was able to walk away without injuiry.

    He then had to fight with BMW and the dealership to replace the entire bike, not just the motor. Eventually they replaced it.

  5. Thanks to this multi-year ammo hoarding and pricing BS, I'm letting my range membership end. I can't afford to shoot often enough for it to make sense.


    I've only really have a problem finding .22lr. Then when I find it, not at a ludacris price.

    Walmart\cabelas doesn't seem to have anyt trouble getting anything else in.

    Bought a couple of 100 rnd value packs of 9mm from walmart the other day for $24. They had at least 15 boxes on the shelf.

  6. Also, I don't remember 78 having any pot holes when Whaler, Derek and I rode the route last month. 



    The one spot I specifically remmeber being bad was on the upwards side of 78 (going up the hill). There was a large patch in the road, but it almost like the right half of the road had washed out. So the middle of the road was good, but there was a large crack, and at least a 2 inch drop on the right. Perhaps pothole wasn't the best description. Sorry

  7. Rode the route today. Got rained on twice while on 669.

    Hopefully it doesn't rain much more. The river along 669 was up pretty Damn close to the rode in a couple of spots.

    The roads are in ok condition.

    93- the state was cleaning out the ditches today

    56 - construction area around coonville 1 lane right on a corner. A lot of water runoff from the hills.

    Whatever the next road was - state was paving right before the bridge to nelsonvile.

    78 - has a lot of cracked pavement, potholes, and patched roads.

    669 - high wateh along the river. As long as It doesn't come up another foot should be ok.

    668 - nothing to report

    93 - a little gravel.

    All and all everything seemed ok. 78 is probably in the worst shape.

    That being said, I've been having pretty severe back problems lately and thought I would test the waters with today's jaunt. Well that was a big mistake. Now I'm hobbling round the house like a cripple. Hopefully the 2 chiropractic appointments I have this week will straighten me back out so I can participate.

    At this point I want to say yes, but my back has other plans. Will update and be sure by Thursday.

  8. Project free TV is a new one to me... I like it...


    For those of you using Roku/Amazon/netflix... Most of the content I want to watch is a premium, or fee based content... do you still find that you save $$ in the long run with vs cable service?  


    Internet $55

    Netflix: $15

    Hulu: $ 8

    Prime: Free Perk

    Total $78



    Take the Alternative

    Internet $55

    Cable $85 (I'm ballparking)

    Total: $140


    Worth it to me.

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