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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. You sure do gotta perty mouth boy..... Awesome!!!! Thanks Moose and Ben for putting this together.
  2. I had one of these things on Tuesday. It wasn't to shabby. It was a lot of food for $7. Other than the stupid woman didn't listen to a word I said when I ordered. Ordered a leg, and got a thigh. (not always a bad thing in another context) Ordered Macaroni and cheese and got Mash potatoes?!?! not even close!
  3. This makes me laugh everytime I read it.
  4. Make sure to watch through the credits...... At least for all of you Zombie haters.
  5. Another awesome professional football season in Ohio.
  6. Wow, I wonder how long those took to make
  7. Thank you for all of the sacrifices that you make.
  8. +1 "One and only experiment with butt love" Way to go Monty!!!!!
  9. We were in a sun-room type enviroment. Maybe he has glaucoma?
  10. I read about this yesterday in a magazine. Sad to even fathom an 8 yr old capable of these kind of acts. I have seen some pretty wicked kids, but never like that.
  11. I have a line on some tickets. But I'm not sure what he is asking for them. 8C or 10C I think is where they are located. I check for ya. I know one set of tickets in B deck were going for $300 +.
  12. Cdubyah

    Attn fonzie

    Damn. I just got the email yesterday. Oh well.
  13. Cdubyah

    Attn fonzie

    A sign your team is not doing so well.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=270304736881
  14. Cdubyah

    Attn fonzie

    I love this thread!!
  15. Cdubyah

    WalMart Bingo

    Is there a cover all prize? I could fill that entire thing in 10 minutes going to our local store.
  16. Hey whatever you do with your 2" and your board is completely your business We also got about two inches of snow here.
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