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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. haha thats freaking awesome
  2. They cancellled the Ohio State Michigan game, because Michigan can't get by Toledo.
  3. Cdubyah


    They left it wide open for a sequel. Oh goody.....
  4. It's supposed to be up to 60 degrees today.
  5. Cdubyah


    Premise was ok. Something that I could see happening. I hated the storyline though. There was no back story, no character development, nothing. Just BLAM!!! Here is a cisis deal with it. I was a little disappointed. Did keep me on the edge of my seat though.
  6. Excuse me sir.... is that a weapon of mass destruction in your shoulder??? Good to hear you are healing up well Kosmo.
  7. I'm really suprised it didn't shoot back up right after the election. The republicans main supporters were Oil companies.
  8. It's just hit $1.99 here. We are behind the times out in the corn.
  9. If you are going to invest for the long haul, you need to find something that offers dividends. No matter how much you lose, you will always get something back for what you have invested. I'm not sure if Ford or GM offers this or not. With the dividend your financial broker will reinvest the money back to buy more. (mine does) It's a good time to buy for the short term. Even if you invest $500 or so, as soon as it hits $4/ share. You have doubled your money.
  10. So by playing Co-Op over XBL, you can get your experience up. As if you were playing multiplayer on Tem Deathmatch. Sweet.... Also, competitive play is pretty fun for bragging rights.
  11. Cdubyah

    Left 4 Dead

    Haha, game does look pretty sweet.
  12. Cdubyah


    Not bad, I'm not a big fan of horror movies, but it wasn't to shabby. I was more pissed at the fact that I didn't get to eat my $8 bag of popcorn, for fear of choking on it. Everytime I would shove popcorn in my mouth, something would jump out and casue me to choke.
  13. It's like waiting on y2k all over again. Lets go buy a generator for the server. Dumbasses...
  14. I will admit that some of the acheivements are a bitch to get.
  15. Yes they did go back to WWII. It's not just the pacific, there are other theatre's too. Lots of new weapons, yes the flame thrower rocks. I do believe the difficulty went up. Granted I'm playing on a harder diffuclty, it seemed to be more of a bitch to move from checkpoint to checkpoint.
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