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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Not all of your pics are working.
  2. If you're gonna be a jackass on two wheels, don't get all pissy when Johnny Law decides to hit you with his night stick. I don't mind a large group ride, just don't be a douche on the public roads.
  3. Armed2defend is the group I'm looking at right now. One day class $80.
  4. Red LED's facing forward got me a ticket back in 2003 from Columbus PD. Yay...
  5. All this time I thought you were just a manwhore. The truth is revealed!!!
  6. Tuesday bump Have only been able to participate one year, but it was an Excellent event. Unfortunately it falls on my work weekend again this year.
  7. Is the bike setup for track? Or street? Probably a silly question, but just curious. Thank you
  8. 100% deserved. Troll the man with a taser, and see what he does. Hippie
  9. Or the fact that there are a bagillion other places to get wings, beer, and watch tv
  10. Last year there were 166 motorcycle fatalies in Ohio. Of those 46 had helmets on. Http://statepatrol.Ohio.gov/statistics/statspage3.asp That number speaks for itself. RIP
  11. Cdubyah


    :welcome: aboard fng
  12. Anyone else's Allstate premiums go up? My renter's remained the same, bike, went down, but my auto went up. Just wondering if anyone else's changed.
  13. Cdubyah

    RIP Beer

    Maybe he lost one of his homies and wanted to pay a grand tribute?
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