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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. You back permanently or just visiting?
  2. Cdubyah

    My hero!

    I'm getting you a wallet.
  3. severe for asmatics, and fat people.
  4. Those were plano all weather cases. They retail @ $120 I believe. Wally world had em for $39. I was told not to buy one, as I might get it for Christmas....and I didn't.
  5. You looking for a single or double case? I saw sks and 870. So I'm just trying to clarify.
  6. Or just tap advanced search from the options. I believe Casper is still waiting on the $$ for the app. Did you contribute?
  7. Agreed, I upgraded to a mustang touring seat for the Mrs. Not really conducive for long distance riding 2up tho.
  8. I believe he wanted to see the impact.
  9. This guy still in Business? Anyone know? Looking to get a local agent.
  10. Roxy, pay no attention to the trolls. Good luck with your cause and event. Most riders here are not big on poker runs, there are a few, but not many.
  11. Cdubyah


    Overmoderation!!!! Wait.....what?
  12. Wrote the e-check today. Won't cut until Monday. Heading to the OR PO box.
  13. boo, busy again today
  14. There are actually two threads on the subject. This was the first one he posted. I will merge the two, and change the title.
  15. Make sure to where your skinny jeans. Our as us larger men say...regular cut.
  16. Might have to make a stop and pick up another pair. I will 2nd, these are pretty comfy.
  17. :welcome: aboard There are a few cruiser riders on here. Don't let them scare you
  18. Me neither. Just something for folks to consider before they commit, then flake out because of a hangover.
  19. Just a thought... Who's idea was it to shoot @ 9:30am the day after St. Patrick's day?
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsKf1RNZVoo&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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