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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Public safety employees pay 17% for healthcare and 71% for retirement.
  2. Well I woke up feeling like shit this morning, so I'm probably not going to be making the trip. My apologies to anyone that was planning on meeting me.
  3. http://godhatesfags.com/fliers/20111101_Dead-Soldiers-OH-Border-AL-Barfield.pdf Here's the link. Thinking about riding home for this one. Anyone from Columbus want to join?
  4. I have been looking at this model as well. Just more comfortable in my hand. Let me know how ya like it.
  5. Road to Hana is awesome. Traffic is very treacherous, there are a lot of blind one lane corners, and one lane bridges. Actually saw a jeep that was run off the road. North shore on Oahu is nice too up through the mountains.
  6. I've played the battlefield series for a while now. This is my biggest bitch with all of them. These maps on the new game seem to dwarf the previous games. Eventually I get used to BF style of play and will actually have fun. Until then, I'm achievement hunting in the campaign and co-op.
  7. Running for a country fuckin mile to find someone/something to shoot at. Then just as I sight in, getting picked off by someone another country mile away. I can't fly, and my driving isn't much better, so I try to avoid the vehicles. Also the random spawn in team death match is just terrible. Spawning an arms length away from the enemy is not random. Granted, one time I was spawned directly to the 6oclock position of three enemies. Good for me, bad for them.
  8. What a short ass campaign! Finished it up last night. Normal difficulty was a bit too easy. So it should be interesting to play back through on hard. Anyone play co-op yet? I guess there is a whole set of different missions. I still dislike the multiplayer. I do like how they have added more game variants.
  9. They made that change last year. EA was one of the sticklers about it. Because they were loosing money when people were buying games 2nd hand. Sucks but that's the way it is now.
  10. Cdubyah

    Issue 2 works

    Pay freezes, and furlough days have been in place for several years for state employees. Long before issue 2 and SB5. They were negotiated under the previous governor.
  11. http://www.speedtest.net/android/94244558.png Since the picture won't load.. Verizon 4g LTE with 3bars Connection Type: Lte Server: Toledo, OH Download: 21.85 Mbps Upload: 1.92 Mbps Ping: 110 ms Here's another with Columbus server... Connection Type: Lte Server: Columbus, OH Download: 11.92 Mbps Upload: 3.36 Mbps Ping: 97 ms http://www.speedtest.net/android/94246666.png
  12. Supposedly, there are some new deals in the works to get a better selection of movies. As I tend to watch more tv shows with the streaming netflix. But a newer movie or two would make me happy.
  13. Really? No one has anything to say about this?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fua8XliZk1Q I guess ABC 6 pulled the modified add today. To me this is just trickery. I feel as if this add specifically targets old folks. I normally don't get into political debates. But this was too interesting not to post. What are your thoughts? Here is a side by side comparison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyO7yXiK2BU&feature=relmfu
  15. I didn't figure. But we don't want negative PR for OR. Sort if a disclaimer.
  16. If you choose to do so on your own then more power to you. However, please don't use Ohio rider's as a springboard for the cause.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mAUQYn6DjM
  18. Translation....I'm sitting in my boxer shorts on the couch. Give me another hour, to shit and shower, then another 30 to get out car, then wash said car, then another 30 to drive to gas station and fill up. Real estimation of departure...1:00pm :-D
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