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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. P3at in front jacket pocket with extra mag in pocket on weak side
  2. Check on Norfolk Southern website they offer internships in many areas
  3. there are plenty of other tires that are cheaper and outperform the blizzak some of the new blizzaks are not as good as the others make you research the model you are buying don't just assume it's going to be good because it says blizzak on it
  4. nice now that is a cat I would own
  5. Did you steal one from Zanesville?
  6. Forget center mass aim for the head
  7. I have a very protective 137lb american bulldog I think the bad guys would be better off with me shooting them than if they tangled with the dog.
  8. Nah dead he doesn't cost tax payers any money
  9. One more for the good guys http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/10553140/
  10. FYI for your next trip - Florida has law that if you feel threatened in anyway you can use deadly force.
  11. I got stuck at a red light last summer with a cop behind me the light never changed after the cycle he honked his horn I turned and looked at him and he waved me through. If you treat it as a stop sign and actually stop and give it time to change and then proceed through with extreme caution I doubt any cop is going to hassle you but if you do a california stop at every red light trying to be an douchebag you deserve to get the ticket.
  12. The chance of national reciprocity passing under current administration is slim at best
  13. Yes you have to like crowds to do Sturgis and you can't be in a hurry because traffic sucks
  14. The AMA already worked with ODOT on this issue looks like a petition is going to be a waste of time. http://vtrc.virginiadot.org/rsb/RSB25.pdf Ohio info starts on page 42
  15. If you get into danger just kick it sideways and get the hell out of there.
  16. I wouldn't do the ride if I was on a zx10 either hell I doubt I'd do 8 hours on one.
  17. I've never had any issues at hotels always park under or close to a light and I have a huge steel cable to lock it up just for some extra deterrent if someone is with me we lock the bikes together. Also when your headed to Sturgis it is unlikely you will be the only bike in the lot.
  18. Last year left home @ around 7am and arrived the next day @7:30pm got stuck in rest area in Indiana waiting out a downpour for over 3hrs and got late start second morning I was making good time until got stuck in storm. The year before was about same time but I wasn't alone that year had a buddy with me and he was smoking at the time and had never rode over 400 miles in a day. I always try for at least half way before I stop for the night.
  19. Section 2 also applies The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States
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