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Everything posted by spz9

  1. Casper...don't forget to tell them you'll include the snazzy valve stem lights
  2. same here...happy belated birthday!!! hope you're doing well!
  3. and to think you slept in the scary basement and rode in the scary jeep!! (are we allowed to pick on him on his bday??)
  4. lol...yeah i'm back (looks like i have tons to catch up on). it's Tom's bday...it's post worthy. "And that stuff is only if Monte lets us do a CCW day at grattan this weekend."....whatever makes you guys sleep well at night
  5. lol...i got a kick out of your message. thx for "pokin" at me :)

  6. i hear craig has a goat, peanut butter and some oil for your b-day present... .....have a great birthday!!
  7. ...he probably can't figure out the high tech monster of a camera
  8. i had a blast saturday!!! made it in around 12:30. can't wait to hang out with you and carrie again!

  9. spz9


    i have it too...didn't pay, but it's worth it.
  10. i'm in for the ride...still up in the air about the after party.
  11. too funny... happy birthday fonzie!! karaoke time!!
  12. Happy Birthday!!! Cleave said he'd give you your present later !!!
  13. went and saw the bike yesterday...not too bad. however, the jackass controlling the throttle looks like he'll be off both bikes for a little while. the up side is that cleave and i may have a pit bitch for mid-ohio now... i figured i could get away with giving you a hard time since they gave you vicodin! all humor aside...hope you get some good news at the doctor and your back up in no time!
  14. happy birthday! have a great day!
  15. congratulations!! absolutely adorable...glad to hear everyone is doing good!
  16. spz9


    happy birthday!!!
  17. every time i see your avatar...it just cracks me up! it's so you...lol.

  18. spz9

    RIP Joe Soltys

    i'm so sorry...my thoughts are with you both and your family
  19. ^^^ was that statement ever so true. sorry CLEAVE...but i guess you're used to everyone jacking up your screen name by now, why should your birthday be any different . it was the thought that counted! i'll get my pics together and post them soon. great to see everyone!!
  20. Happy birthday!!! Although after the party bus left tonight...I'm not sure you'll be able to read this till monday....lol.
  21. I was ready to show till I saw the "core" word
  22. count me in...but i'm the same as kawi...i don't know the area. cleave...tell her this is the last summer you'll be in ohio and you need to participate in activities before you bail
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