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Everything posted by spz9

  1. spz9

    Free Pizza?

    way too cool!!! it worked....thanks tiger!!
  2. no worries....he has those snazzy valve stem lights
  3. spz9

    The Gap Trip 08

    ....this damn thing is back?!
  4. didn't get mine either. i was able to get the test email ok. checked settings nothing blocked....
  5. :lol:that was just wrong... eightvalve...our best bet is to hit the ix center on the 31st. seems like a lot of people from here will be there.
  6. welcome to the site! i'm just around the corner...hopefully i'll see you around.
  7. i'll be there...can't wait to see everyone. cleave...holler if you want to carpool.
  8. i had a great time...it was nice to meet everyone! special thanks to Ben and Carie for letting us stay (hope jade is ok after yota ...lol) and cmoosego & the kofc for having us! schmuckgirl - the stromboli was awesome! rc51john - it was good talking/seeing you again kawi - it was nice to finally meet you after all the things cleave and walther say...lol.
  9. same here...it great talking to you!! i'm so glad i had the opportunity to meet everyone.

  10. absolutely, holler anytime. i was actually out for a quick ride on tuesday. "f150s best truck on the road" ....at least you have good taste with the kaw
  11. welcome....i'm about 5 min from cuyahoga falls. hope to see you around. PS - sorry about the ford
  12. sweet...i'll take october. i'll take care of everything tonight.
  13. i have a truck to haul it cleave...i just want a chance to take it for a spin
  14. spz9


    i've ran xm in my truck for 2 yrs...i don't like the new merge. i agree...too much talking. i used to get it for $79 for the year, but with the merger...i'm not sure i'll be able to talk them down again.
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