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Everything posted by g35tonv

  1. I wont be in town next week so i wont be there. Count me in the week after though..
  2. dang, well ill see ya when you get back man. Have a good one. I'm leaving to Cali this weekend so i prob wont see ya again before you leave.

  3. Ben, how long are you getting deployed for? Your leaving in a couple weeks right?
  4. 670?? man you guys went too far.. Cemetary Rd or Davidson.. heh its ok you guys made it back ok. Hows the Interstate? heh.
  5. let me know when you guys would like to ride sometime.. I live in Dublin off Avery, we can ride the country areas around the area. Hope you guys made it back ok and didn't get lost!
  6. Awww dont cry... Here are some pictures for you so you can feel you were there.. This picture below was at the Shell before arriving to QSL
  7. g35tonv

    Bike Night April 1st 2009

    First bike night in 2009
  8. Nice to meet you guys also. Ill see you all again soon.
  9. See you tonight and be safe its rush hour for you guys going through the city there.
  10. Prob not.. I think everyone wants to take the Interstate heh. I wont be able to meet you on time and be able to get to Shell by 7. I dont get out of the office until 6pm and i will just head straight to McDonalds since my office in the Metro Center in Dublin.
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