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Everything posted by EricKerecz

  1. im gonna start hitting up the track next summer i still need racing pants and a bit of spare money just in case. Never been out to the pony..i hear all kinds of good things; i think ill be making a trip out there soon!
  2. i need to replace the front brake pads on my cbr600rr what're decent brakes to get that arent going to cost me a fortune? btw; integrated tail lights are in, flush mounts are on and i have my license plated mounted to the batter box looks great!
  3. how much that cost you? probably not too expensive right?
  4. anyone ever have any issues with police cause i saw the battery box pics but theres no light down there. ordered integrated lights and flush lights..should be in thursday then i get to throw em on!
  5. yeah my exhaust is stock i think im gonna go order my integrated lights right now already ordered the flush today
  6. how can i make an onplate mount? just a sheet of metal with some holes in it?
  7. 05 cbr600rr anyone know of anything priced fairly that looks good.. was going to buy integrated tail lights and get a license plate mount but the damn mount is like 130+.. i found one for 50 but its attaches to an undertail kit
  8. jk...found it in my back pocket!
  9. i have a reallllly big problem with keeping track of keys.. went to the girlfriends, and dropped off my bike to take her car.. goto the international festival here in lorain..lose the key to my bike for the 3rd time.. cant seem to find a good spot to keep it cause clearly the pocket isnt working **err 2nd time..first time is because i didnt have a key to begin with**
  10. eudell ! send me a text or something when youre organizing rides cause i cant check all the time on here.. going to cp with the girlfriend today so no riding for me
  11. starting up rides any time soon? I havent been on one yet this year and its getting lonely haha
  12. the avatar is the only picture i have on the bike
  13. cant believe i spent 300 dollars on the harley davidson msf course and i didnt learn a single thing..
  14. umm no meaning its like when something happens and youre just like ahhhh what the fuck dont know what to say.. I may be the only person who does it..i kinda just mash the keyboard
  15. haha no i dont smoke I just heading into the lobster for a little work. I wore the puma's all day at school, i'd have to say over all theyre comfortable but my ankles are kinda boney and they hurt after a while. As for riding in them i definitely feel safer but it took a while to get used to riding in something so bulky after riding in regular shoes for so long.
  16. point taken; I rode last year with a big group of guys from the forum and other than that i dont get much "quality" riding Looking forward to stuff this summer
  17. so minus the fact i was going fast in an empty lane* i cant argue that* I dont see how you would expect to find me in the obituary I said i ride fully geared (Leathers) Dont usually mess around *but its usually the one time you get the urge you get hurt so*
  18. no i just got my racing boots. I ride fully geared and it was the ramp going onto the highway.. I dont mess around usually and i just got an urge hoy
  19. So today i hopped on the highway heading to work.. Coming off the entrance ramp i was feeling a little bold with my new puma v2 100's I was going about "fast" coming off. The left lane was full of traffic and no cops in sight; About 15 seconds later i slow down to normal speed still no cops in sight Then i look back and see a cop about maybe 10 cars distance behind me or more; came out of nowhere. He follows at that distance and then turns around at a u-turn spot where highway patrol sits. I'm not sure if he was a local cop or highway patrol but lkjasdf When i got to work i stepped back about the distance i felt he was from me and my plates were ineligible. So am i freaking out or do you think im safe?
  20. first bike was a 110cc mini pocket rocket in like 3 1/2 years ago in 8th grade 2nd bike 05* cbr 600 rr last year haha
  21. those are pretty sick and 379 isnt bad..i wish i was rich sometimes it'd be nice to have money to blow whenever
  22. im still a pretty big noob motorcycle wise This is my first bike and im making sure i gear up properly. I just saw tcx gear today and its pretty cheap, looks good, and im not sure how it is protection wise.. I'm considering getting my racing pants from that company unless i get the matching pants for my rs taichi jacket.
  23. i looked up some reviews and i hear the feel of them was great. Maybe its just personal preference. I was looking at sidi as well, but 425 is kind of expensive for me. Puma seems to offer a lot and i can get them for about 250 at a discounted price I definitely want a pair of sidis some time in the near future though
  24. so im ordering my boots soon I wear like a 10 us and im stuck on what size to go for euro. Its between 43 which is a 9 apparently and a 44 which is 10.5 A note on the site says they are a slightly smaller fit. Can anyone help me out ?
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