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Posts posted by pri_i_oh

  1. I don't ride scooters I sell them...lol I only ride them to check and make sure everything is put together or fixed right before I sell them or after I service them.

    The advertising thing was because I haven't paid for my sponsorship yet which I plan to do after the first of the year. It's understandable, its not fair to the sponsors who have paid. No big deal I guess.

  2. welcome agin

    yeah I figured 3rd times a charm.

    1st time was under a different name (pri_i_oh) and my log in information got screwed up so I had to change it.

    2nd time I evidently advertised my business too much without buying a sponsorship. I do plan on getting the sponsorship after the first of the year.

    so here we are....lol

  3. no they were lookin pretty hard while I was on the blue scooter AND while I was on the black scooter. That may have been because I accidentaly drove off with 1.25 worth of gas....lol

  4. Well got in a little bit of trouble for advertising so I don't know how much I'm aloud to say but I will say this. All wholesale suppliers have what's called an "MAP" minimum advertised price. Obviously this restricts what price they are aloud to advertise.

    With that being said The more people that are willing to buy the levers, the better deal I can get and therefor the better deal YOU can get. I'll check Monday on pricing.

  5. well I have to redo my introduction because evidently I did a little too much advertising. My name is Tim I'm 29 I live in Conneaut (Ashtabula County). I ride a 1998 Triumph Daytona 955i with a couple of mods.

    I love riding and working on bikes. Not sure what else to say. Feel free to ask me anything you may want to know.

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