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Posts posted by millerb7

  1. Well I'm a paramedic so I've seen first hand what these machines can do, so I def respect my bike, and I'm the type of person who wants to soak up every bit of info about everything I can, and I don't know much about ridng haha.

    The twisties were a little scary, I won't lie, but a friggin blast, and know that there is SO much more to learn about them makes me want to keep going back.

    You should come ride them while I'm learning too, you won't be the slowest and the only new person to them.

  2. Yeah I pushed it a little much in those two corners, I'll def be sure to keep that in check. I need to find some roads like that near me, everything with a curve has gravel in my area, always so much construction.

    Looking forward to more of the twisties.

  3. What a damn blast! I appreciate the ride guys... def. have a ton to learn and really anxious to start learning... mechanical bike stuff and riding techniques...

    One thing I def. learned today is that I haven't even touched the potential this bike has... got a long ways to go. Looking forward to the future rides.

    Was a great first time ever doing twisties.

  4. Well I suppose I'll be there and hope I'm not all lonely and stuff ;)

    Yeah Loveland/mason is only 10% until like 9pm. Then it jumps to 60%. I'll have to head out early anyways, just wanted to meet some folks as I've not met any of you yet.

  5. RIP... very sad :(

    I see quite a few deaths/injuries from bikes almost every week... I work at University Hospital downtown.... it's sad, and very humbling... Also a paramedic and I've been to my fair share of accidents for bikes.... just really keeps me from going nuts on the bike I think.

  6. Yo... I'd love to go myself, would be my first time (new to the forums)... so what exactly does the night entail? Not really sure what QS&L is ;) You all go riding around 6 or...?

    You all can teach me to ride better ;) Only been riding since last July.


  7. I'd love to get it emailed to me if possible. I'm still learning myself... I have an k8 gixxer which I got back in July last year, my first sportbike ever... so when I come out with you all sometime, play nice ;)

    I've always been told by other friends with motorcycles that you just need to ride "your ride" and not try to keep up with others or bad shit happens... it will eventually come... that's the advice I'm going off of.

    A lot of times I have my GF in tow too, so it's a lil harder to "really" hit the turns.

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