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Posts posted by parrotrs

  1. Well just to stir the pot a little more all Porsche efforts are privateer. Now before people start throwing stones the Penske/DHL effort is/was a factory supported effort in LMP2. The Dyson effort was a privater effort. Porsche has made alot of money selling race cars, 911's especially. Audi has a new race car coming and it may or maynot race the full ALMS season, but I will bet a beer we will see it.

  2. This was not really a big surprise. Shock Yes but surprise No. Honda not only owned the team but sponsored it also. Which means they where spending upwards of 100 million a year on the program and getting NO results. Your marketing dollars only go so far. This is the best time for them to get out and save face.

  3. Answers to a couple of questions.

    I got about 400 miles in this season. I ended up working out of town for a couple of weeks that cost me some nice weather. Fortunately living in Westerville I can ride out into the country pretty easy and that has made learning to ride easier. The city traffic can be very interesting.

    And Yes I do wear that helmet in public. :)

    I will try and post some pictures of the bike tomorrow.

    Thanks Everyone and Have Fun.

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