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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. VOIP reliability depends on a lot of things... I've worked at companies that are 100% VOIP and never had an issue, and I've worked at companies that are 100% hardline and have problems.

    It all depends on how well you do the initial install.... I'd expect HHGregg would be way better but hey, shit happens.

    +1. My organization installs VoIP for small, medium and large customers in every possible industry. It is all in the design and implementation, which equates to the amount of cash you want to spend.

  2. Per the article about this law that was in the Columbus Dispatch today, this is a secondary law. For those that may not know what that means, you cannot be pulled over or ticketed for a violation of this law. It can be added to a primary violation, speeding, DUI, etc.

  3. awesome!!! i will have a hard time rooting for him at first since he turned on the tifosi but i cant help myself but to. i heard that if he started racing again his wife would leave him, so he may go tiger on us. but in this case it would be all good.

    I heard those reports as well. I heard she was going after half of him if he started racing againg due to his severe motorcycle accident in the spring.

  4. - The Princess Bride

    Perfect for visiting short people over the holidays.

    The one liners will leave adults howling!

    - A Christmas Story

    The classic "Double Dog Dare".

    - Brazil

    Classic sci-fi of the Orwellian style.

    De Niro stars in this classic film

    - Naked Lunch

    Only for the truly twisted minds.

    Bug powder - Yum!

    I forgot about Naked Lunch. Peter Weller at his finest. I started reading William Burroughs when I was about 15. Definitely some head shaking moments. I'd also add Blade Runner(with the dark ending) and Re-Animator.

  5. EXXXXACTLY my thoughts

    TOO many fishy details! The report I heard said he was doin' 33mph. How the hell'd he get goin' that fast down his driveway?? Aerial shot looked like circular driveway.... Not some country lane. Why the hell'd she need to bash the window in with a 5 iron to "rescue him"??? And why was he "lapsing in & out of consciousness"?? I also heard Saturday? that when investigators went back out to interview him, they were told he was "resting" :nono: No way you 'n me could'a got away with that excuse :rolleyes:

    A few other interesting facts; if he was going 25 mph or 35 mph why didn't the airbags deploy and his gated community has it's own police force. I think he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and the Mrs. tee'd off on him. The chicca he was alleged to be dating isn't too bad but appears to be a tramp to the rich and famous from what I read on Yahoo tonight.

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