My current rim has a slight bend on the lip. Would really like to get this one straightened or find a new one by spring! Let me know guys. Thanks, Steve!
thanks for all the input guys! I think i found him a 99 f4i for $2850 18600 miles looks clean but needs tires, break pads, and fork seals it also needs a seat. Found it in the local bulletin board of all places!
a f4i or 636 would be perfect for him... i know he's only going to have like $2k cash, but ill ask him if he can get a loan for maybe $2k more i'll keep you guys posted, thanks steve!
A friend of mine just got a small settlement check and is wanting to find a bike. He's wanting to spend anywhere from $1500-3500. This will be his first bike so nothing to crazy. (600cc or smaller) Year/Make/Model doesn't matter. Thanks in advance, Steve!