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Posts posted by speedwolf02

  1. Did Casper pass out in the front yard?

    lol he was still alive and walking around when we left, suprised he didnt hadnt hit the hamok by the end of the night.:D I had a great time and it was nice to meet some more people. i cant wait until i can see the pictures that everyone had. we probly shoulda just crashed at whoevers place and left in the morning lol, but the night ride was pretty fun, didnt get home until bout 530 in the morning but hey the moon was awesome!

  2. Damn, I thought I was doing good for being here a week and having about 300....mad props....you've got a ton of freaking posts for only having been here a month...that's aweome!

    lol hes been here a year and a month

    Join Date: Apr 2008

    and btw uve got about 3 times as many and ive been here for like 3 months or so already lol... post whore :D

  3. Dont know if this person is on here or not. Dont know if you can see it in the pic, but the silver painted parts are like a steel plate.


    i actually think this isnt that bad of a paint job, i kinda like its, not great but its not horrible.. and the jockey bike HOLY SHIT that thing is fugly lol

  4. They are out there, soon to be statistics... I saw a kid yesterday couldn't have been more than 18-19, on a old cbr929. No gear at all, shorts, tshirt, sunglasses, baseball hat and a bandana tied around his face like he was some sort of gangster.

    haha i would try to wave him over to stop him and be like hey let me get a picture of ur ganster look on ur bike to laugh at later lol

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