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Posts posted by wrillo

  1. On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 11:51 AM, ScubaCinci said:

    You'd think so but you don't "swim" as much as you think when diving...more floating underwater. However, we are in the water enought to impact body temp so your metabolism does kick up a bit to maintain normal body temp.

    My wife is always "cold," maybe that's why she stays thin

  2. I'm pretty sure every law in the US is still up for interpretation, thus the existence of the judicial branch, and that common sense still applies.

    Its stupid shit like this that prevents congress from making any progress. "Well... uhh... if.. a donkey shits on the road, during an odd numbered Friday in the month of July, in a leap year... then someone could rape your first born and legally get away with it!"

    STFU and stop spreading friday donkey shit. You're ruining the road for everyone else

  3. I hate these whiney bastards. He bought an action camera that could do time-lapse and when it can't capture 5 days of pics, he bitches. Go buy a time lapse camera and make it do action shots with mega vibration or hold it while hucking a 40'ft cornice and then come back and bitch.

    Ok, camera has a bug but then, what piece of software doesn't. It is only when people start testing the boundries and using a product that is not its intended purpose that these issue are found.

    Company knows about the issue, working on a solution and offered to fix it. Ce La Vi!

    I bought mine and love it. I bought it to use it as it was designed to be use and I have no complaints. Quirkiness and all.

    BMW has been making bikes and cars for years and we all know not to buy the first year model. S1000RR is an awesome bike but the first year had its issues just as the K1200S had issues. Identify issue, notify customers, provide solution.

    Hope the guy doesn't play MMOs. He would have a coronary with all the release bugs.

    I agree, and why is he bringing this up years later?

    You clearly don't work in the IT field. Bugs like this are entirely and completely preventable with proper QA and usability testing. Furthermore, in this era of modularity, I should be able to download new firmware to flash my device without having to box the thing up and ship it out on my dime for a simple software upgrade.

    The disconnect with "Identify issue, notify customers, provide solution" and what's happening here is that even though the issue was identified, the customers were never informed, and the solution is so onerous as to not be a solution at all. That's not the way you run a business.

    I get that they missed the notify customers step of this, but when he contacted them they were already working on the issue. They provided him the option of downloading the new firmware as soon as it was available.

  4. Without the time or money to fight the case, Luna decided to agree to the deal. He was charged with the lesser crime of creating a public disturbance.

    When the judge asked if he was guilty, he said no, Luna recalled. “The judge explained I have to plead guilty,” he said. “At that moment when I said I’m guilty, I felt like I was going against myself.”

    and that is what is wrong with the system. I did think it was 'cute' that he accepted the deal, then plead not guilty in court. He was tellin the fuckin truth! lol

  5. "At this time, we are unable to provide specific details, but we are working to determine the exact nature of this event. We can confirm that there is no indication of any threat to our nation and we will provide more information as it becomes available."

    I find it odd that they "don't know anything about it", but they can confirm it isn't/wasn't a national threat.

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