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Posts posted by wrillo

  1. Too much to read on my phone. Someone able to give me a summary?

    See my post above, but to expand a little bit:

    People, politicians in particular, use the "big picture" argument to distract lesser minds from the little details with that they might not agree. The Vietnam war for example, was perpetuated by the domino theory. If we allow one country to fall to communism, then they all will. Although we really have no place in intervening, think of the big picture, what if communism spreads even more?

    The most significant paragraph of the article is

    Those who invoke the Big Picture often have a vested interest in discouraging people from looking at grisly details. The Big Picture becomes the enabler of the Big Lie. The studied avoidance of the details of government policy makes it far easier for politicians to manipulate and deceive the public. The Big Picture allows governments to do as they please, confident that few people will pay attention to the details. And even when hundreds of thousands of people are killed, the government only needs to redefine the issue.

    It also talks about how the big picture absolves the government from wrong doing, because they were doing it in interest of the big picture, which everyone agreed on to begin with.

    No real substitute to reading the thing yourself though, because I'm foregoing the details and just giving you the "big picture." ;)

  2. He didn't go there to run off kids. He was more likely on patrol, shutdown the ice cream vendors, then notice the kids selling food across the damn street. Its not sad. Its fair, and its LIFE. Consider it a good lesson on life for the kids, no one is special or above the law.

    Another good headline would have been about people getting sick because someones' lazy mommy didn't wash the brownie pan well enough, or mexicans were using bacteria infected dairy products to make their ice cream.

  3. They were all at/around the San Francisco Symphony event at Dolores Park. The cop sounds like he knows its silly, and didn't want to do it, but he couldn't run the mexicans off and turn a blind eye to the kids. He was doing his job, and you guys are getting upset about it?

    edit: This could have easily been "Illegal Mexican ice cream vendor wins multi-million dollar lawsuit against San Francisco Police Department for Discrimination". Now THAT would be something to get pissed about.

  4. I lost my PNC check card, they charged me $7.50 to replace it. I was sad, and told my dad "national city didn't charge me to replace it back when I lost it the first time".. his response? "well they aren't in business anymore"

    /cool story

  5. This thread kind of reminds me of this one time at band camp. It was after a long day of drill, and they kept us out the latest we've ever been out practicing. It was ten thirty or so at night and a bunch of us were just sitting around talking after the instructors went to bed. Someone told a joke, and there was a reach around in the punch line, but I don't really remember the rest of the joke.

  6. I don't think I'm being harassed at all, no worries there. Like I said, I'm just surprised.

    I only make the "walk into a bar and say that" joke because my favorite bars nearby have all been taken over by bikers who will kick the shit out of you for sitting in the wrong seat. And I only say that because a friend of the family had the shit kicked out of him for sitting in the wrong seat.


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