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Status Updates posted by wrillo

  1. I'm not sure, but I don't think there are restrictions on visitor messages like there is PMs. Just go to someone's profile and the vistor message box should be the default tab

  2. It was like a week or some ago

  3. Just read your message on Nick's profile, I'm blocked out of the thread too. What did I miss? Did it get any better since ~5pm yesterday?

  4. likewise, I've seen you over on SBN... I live here now, so I'm barely on SBN anymore. Welcome!

  5. May I suggest that Justin may be better suited for the duties of a boy.

  6. nah, my roommate Jordan saw a thumbnail of the blue busa and wanted to see a bigger picture of it.

  7. no... man I fucked it all up. Plus our prof is a cock sucker. He gave us 6 problems that are easily 15 minute problems, we had 50 minutes to do the test. The quarter is almost over, so if I drop it it'll be an F anyway. So I think for the next 2 weeks I'm going to be doing nothing but math (and some riding). Hopefully if I do well on the final he'll give me a pity pass. A or a B on the final & I think I'll be okay

  8. oh sorry, I guess that shoulda been

    Hi, how are you doin?

  9. random fail? what?! :lol:... wait maybe that wasn't you.. is NinjaNick signing neg rep as you still?

  10. Riding up front was a blast, now I wouldn't have it any other way! You can move that freakin 14, holy hell!!

  11. Seriously, don't worry about the guys shittin' all over your bike trade/picture thread. Every time you log in you'll catch someone on a bad day, there are too many people on here not to. So brush it off, and lets see that 600rr

  12. sorry I bailed yesterday, just had too much going on to be able to make it.

  13. Thanks for posting up and giving us an update. Hope you and your bike are back to good soon

  14. Thanks man! The F4i is hella nice! You did a nice job of throwing it around too!

  15. umm... okay... interested

  16. Well I have a DEP meeting today at 4, and dunno how long that'll last. Have work, and night class tomorrow, then class Saturday during the day. So Saturday night, or Sunday will be best. I'll be down for the ride Sunday as long as its nice out, its calling for a "cloudy" weekend. Hopefully thats all it turns out to be instead this rain shit.

  17. whatch ya mean wtf? thats charlie... he is a goof. I think he was just pecking at the camera because the lense is shiny

  18. when and where are you guys riding sunday? I'd like to come out. Let me know when & where to meet up with you

  19. when and where is this Dayton crew meeting up for the 10/22 Saturday ride? I might be in

  20. yep, I'm planning on it. As long as nothing crazy happens at work, but its been a pretty slow day so far.

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