I just put on a Leo Vince SBK slip on and everything has been working perfectly until this morning. I went to the gym 5am. She sounded great! I went to the gas station on the way home. Gas station is about 1/2 mile from my house. Filled full (maybe too full). I pulled down my street and I started to feel bogging. I pulled it into my driveway and let it idle. low idle about 1K then pops up to about 1200 every 3rd or so seconds. I tried revving and heavy bogging to about 3-4K. I took it around the block (neighbors must have been pissed) about 4 or 5 times and first gear is awful. Seems to feel like riding a mechanical bull between 1-4K, then it shoots forward and seems ok. I spent hours on this thing putting this pipe on and it sounded amazing. I put some gas in it and now it's dying. Unfortunately I suck at diagnosing problems and really need some help here. I took it to work today hoping to maybe get some gas out of it if it was overfilled. Although, I never had this problem before with the stock pipe. Now what???????? I would greatly appreciate any help here! Sean