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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. Wish I could have made it to the after party! Hope you all had fun!
  2. Hey Paul...let me know when you have like an hour I can bring you my bike, and you can put the number plates and wheel stripes on for me! I would greatly appreciate it man...Good meeting you yesterday....

  3. I can't wait to go to this...I just wanna go, to show support to that place for getting a banner! Mad Props to them! Lets make a big night of this every Thursday and make them glad they did this for us!
  4. Hey...Welcome to the forum....Hit up Hooters Hilliard Rome tonight around 7 if you wanna meet some people!

  5. Not last week... It was like 2 or 3 weeks ago That is where I was parked and what it looked like!
  6. I'm gonna be there around 6.....I'm bringing the repsol this time though...Not the Duc.
  7. So you could have went to Hooters.......... Not that I went, but ur big excuse was that test....
  8. I would man...... I'm in texas! I won't be back until next friday... :(

  9. EEEK This is gross BUT...This is what could happen if you don't wear boots http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://keeptherubbersidedown.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/image012.jpg&imgrefurl=http://keeptherubbersidedown.net/2009/02/26/riding-boots-7-things-to-look-for/&usg=__lkPS7D8NaePGe8Ac9bogZiiOSMU=&h=447&w=600&sz=40&hl=en&start=10&um=1&tbnid=jXFKrVjVO6OlqM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwear%2Byour%2Bmotorcycle%2Bboots%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 ALSO...I have seen many wrecks in which tennis shoes will FLY OFF! Thats not cool!
  10. Better for comfort maybe...But prob not better for riding...But I wear a full boot...that is more of a shoe lookin boot...I dunno if that would help at all or not if you were to wreck....
  11. It is all computerized....They tell u each time if you get one right or wrong... Ur allowed to miss a certain number, and if u have less number of questions less than u are allowed to miss it just ends the test and u pass...
  12. TRUST ME...The OHIO permit written test is like COMMON SENSE!! I told a kid who has NEVER been on a bike before like a few different "ODD" things, and he passed with no problems...It truly is commom sense....Study for 30 minutes MAX..... So go to bike night and study later!
  13. As soon as i'm back if possible! I mean... really the soonest he can get me in!

  14. U talk to paul about my number plates and wheel stripes?

  15. Welcome! You will love it here!
  16. Take that to attack painter ASAP! That teal has to go!
  17. Welcome! Ur gonna love it!
  18. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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