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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. http://goodshit.phlap.net/2008/05/post_20709.html
  2. dang..i had an extra phone I was gonna give ya for verizon...
  3. what brand do you have?? verizon?
  4. My bros wedding...I'm in the middle http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b90/Blacktuscani317/mebmarc.jpg My college golf days.... http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b90/Blacktuscani317/a1steak.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b90/Blacktuscani317/imp2.jpg
  5. Just bought a condo and need a paint job! Its about 1500 Sqft....Looking for someone who is good, but not the most expensive!
  6. HAHA..yea i don't know where hagerstown is...I'm not THAT familiar with Maryland...But yea I was just north of Baltimore! Expensive as shit to live out there!
  7. Lutherville Timonium...
  8. Good run...What are the mods on the TA?
  9. HAHA beat ya to it :bangbang:
  10. Yes...Tiburon means "shark" in spanish....that is why they have gills on the side.
  11. Here is a flyby of my whine...http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b184/runner4474/video/th_indytibmeet075.jpg
  12. Welcome! Nice tib....If you want any tib specific advice, I might not be a bad contact! Looking forward to meet ya!
  13. Dubguy85


    :nopics: Come on man!! WE need to see the ride!
  14. Post whoring is not cool! Wait..I'm a post whore..DAMN!
  15. Yea I didn't mean it like that...We have swapped rx7's that are fast, Reg old Cam ss's that are fast, c5 non zo6 vettes that are fast, and other LS1 cars..All are fast and nice!
  16. HAHA...Classy...The crooked H hang out at SONIC! Go figure
  17. PARTY AT DUFFS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! :woowoo:
  18. With nice rides? What kind of cars?
  19. Dang..Tomorrow won't work, but I want a rain check!
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