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Status Updates posted by Dubguy85

  1. Hey Paul...let me know when you have like an hour I can bring you my bike, and you can put the number plates and wheel stripes on for me! I would greatly appreciate it man...Good meeting you yesterday....

  2. Hey...Welcome to the forum....Hit up Hooters Hilliard Rome tonight around 7 if you wanna meet some people!

  3. I would man...... I'm in texas! I won't be back until next friday... :(

  4. As soon as i'm back if possible! I mean... really the soonest he can get me in!

  5. U talk to paul about my number plates and wheel stripes?

  6. :( what happened man?
  7. Now thats a good one! :)

  8. LOL! I can def appreciate it! :)

  9. How far is Utica and what time is it?

  10. Nope! def not working...Might lay by the neighborhood pool or go ride or both! :)

  11. Hope u are kidding........ Hotel party??? come on...Those were sweet when i was 16! U know me moose..I'm a pretty chill guy! ;)

  12. :) I know man..I'm just bustin ur ballz! AND YES...U DEF DO know where I stand! :D
  13. Wow!!!!!!!!! Way to far!!!!!! Crossed the line bro crossed the line

  14. Im up for whatever...If it rolls through, I'll play

  15. I have no idea....Moose seems to think its gonna be shitty..I don't wanna be caught out in a storm...What are u doin?

  16. Danget! Well that blows...I was getting ready to head over....this weather is startin to piss me off!

  17. Are you not gonna be there? it hasn't rained a drop here yet? Is it going to?

  18. Dude...How do I get to Hooters , and what time will u be there?

  19. WHAT!?!?! She likes u! Thats redic! Dude...I'm in for riding later! I will call u at one! we'll figure it out for sure!

  20. LOL shut up!!!!!! HAHA....No 3 way involved! I was trying to see who all was up for a freakin ride! HAHA..... U have anyone lined up yet?

  21. Yea depending on where and what time! I'll be available around 1 or so...I know mandie wanted to go somewhere, and I think Madcat was goin Somewhere, so Yea man...where and when u leavin?

  22. Dude WTF! WHEN WILL I SEE UR BIKE! U shmuck! I would have met u at the tune if i knew u were there!

  23. Lol! I'm andy! Yea I know what you mean! I usually ride with Jap bikes, but there are times i ride places with Duc guys... U should check out www.desmohio.com that is where all the ducs are ;)

  24. Exactly..Just keep posting...People were spamming the boards with PM's so casper made it a rule saying you had like 30 posts or 30 days or something like that!

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