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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. Depends on what track and what the insurance the track is... But sure..as long as its included in the track price, and people sign waivers... I'm in
  2. Agreed, but I think you guys are looking at this the wrong way... Indy Ducati, Commonwealth, Curve Chasers, and many other small organizations obviously don't want to be "sued" either...They sign waivers and have the insurance and its fine... I think the poker run is WAY more dangerous liability wise, then a track day...Thats why we sign waivers...
  3. Please don't take this the wrong way, BUUUTTTTTTTT I've never heard a more ignorant statement in my life... Thats where the misconseption of "the track" is... Especially with an organization like stt! Coshocton is WAY dumber and more dangerous than a novice group track session with instructors... There are usually no passing unless groups pass, no passing in turns etc... Its truly riders training on a track... I've literally seen men and woman who have been riding 2 wheels for like 2 months get on a track and dramatically improve their riding skills in a safe manner... I would encourage ANYONE to get on a track no matter what skill level!
  4. Absolutely! All very good advice... Like stated above this is just brainstorming etc... Maybe we could go about it like this.... Have a STT track day that the first sign ups available are only OR members allowed...If we fill up the field, then the event is closed...If we have 20 30 40 50 spots left, then open it up to the public.... How does that sound? But the whole idea of this is to try and encourage OR members to do track days, get a slightly cheaper track day out of it, and enjoy other OR members as we ride on the track together and learn and teach on another!
  5. Swing'r I'm in Dublin and can put them on for you tonight or tomorrow if u want..I have all the necessary tools...
  6. Check my BeaveRun post!!!! That could be VERY affordable! I forgot to ask about Rain stuff...Its probably a "hope it doesn't rain" policy
  7. Just called Putnam....They said $8000 includes track time from 9-5, corner workers, radios, insurance, 2 ambulances, waivers to be signed etc... Just called Mid Ohio... It would actually be kinda reasonable if we did a weekday, however the "club" would have to provide our own insurance for the day...Mid ohio has general liability up to 5 million...He said most people go through K and K and its about 1200 bucks, BUT It is 9500 weekday or 10,500 - 12, 500 for the weekend and that is everything needed except insurance Just called BeaveRun actually they are REALLY affordable... They are $3000 for Mon - Thurs and $4000 for Fri - Sun but that does not include Ambulance or Corner workers...However he said we could prob do it for around $6000 total if we did it on a weekend! Just called Blue Grass - 7K - 9500...
  8. I would love to have STT guys at an OR track day... I road behind bomber and his 1098 for a whole day and learned a TON... I think only a couple of the guys from STT get paid to be there, and the rest get free track time (correct me if i'm wrong) ..
  9. Correct on the honor system, correct on the brainstorm stage, and correct on possibly being a sweet fun cheaper track day, where people can learn and get more comfortable riding their bikes!
  10. Unless its a free mcflurray i love those
  11. Heck...i did novice control riding at the last Indy Ducati day
  12. You sign up what you would prefer to be in, but you can be promoted or demoted by the control riders...
  13. No sense in "thinking it out" if there wasn't interest...I was just throwing this out there... Thats why i posted... But like i said..I know MANY people who are in the industry (indy ducati guys, parts unlimted guys, indysuperbikes guys, curve chasers,) etc, who would control ride for free no problem...Or be a quote "instructor" we would do it right ben, I wouldn't wanna go out there on some free for all either...
  14. Curve Chasers puts on 2 track days a year with no "instructors" so does indy ducati, commonewealth, and many more.. They have control riders and is def very very tame in the novice group... It is FAR from a free for all... very controlled environment...novice are broken up into groups and ride around with control riders and such... its actually quite common!
  15. Yes, Novice could use instructors, and intermediate and advanced would have "control riders" we could take some of the advanced group guys and make them instructors for the novice guys...so the advanced guys would get 40 minutes on the track instead of 20... usually it is 20 min novice 20 min intermediate and 20 min advanced every hour on the hour...
  16. Clearly you have never experienced "THE TRACK" ... Its seriously the most fun possible on a motorcycle ever!
  17. I believe most of the STT instructors are volunteer correct? Are you talking instructors or "control riders" I doubt we would have to pay for "instructors." Edit* that fee is for track, ambulances, corner workers, insurance, ETC...
  18. EH..I hate mcdonalds, but if i get in a pinch and actually go there, u can have my pieces!
  19. If we could get 75 people, it would be like $110 a piece If we could get 65 people it would be $123 a piece If we could get 55 people it would be $145 a piece If we could get 45 people it would be $177 a piece (which is the normal track day price most people spend anyway)
  20. As we do have a mixed member base, about 70% (absolute guess that could be extremly off) would be sport bikes? And sportbikes are meant to be ridden on a track... so there for it shouldn't be hard to get 50 - 70 members out of 3000 to come join right?? (ok so maybe not the easiest) but I think we could potentially do it... We should start a list of people that would be game for doing this... I know Myself Twisted Twisted girl madcat Jr rusty who dey apch8r lizard e flores isacs poppa cbr jess schmuckgirl v4 junkie jrmiii gixxie 750 yota (other junkies that are OR members) redkow vw151 zorro flounder rfm repsol2007 blue03636 jbot walther_gsp And many others that want to try Ross, Mandie, rc51, Ben, carrie, skullz, Coshocton peeps, cinci peeps, dayton peeps, we could do it riiiiiiiiiiiight??
  21. I mean...i have seen 20 - 30 junkies at the same event...Why couldn't we do this with OR? I like Caspers idea of having the instructors to make it a "riding school" but thats why I liked the idea of being an OR only thing, so people didn't feel the pressure to be the biggest bad ass on the track... I mean...I have been to track days with girls or guys have only been riding bikes for a couple months... the track doesn't have to be seen as scary... Hell...What is scary is a public road!
  22. Or "Ohio-riders" and friends... Whatever it would take to get 75!
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