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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. I'm out...I have too many outings already man..I'm brizoke!
  2. She's hot, but needs to stick with the blonde look! I'm not liken the dark hair!
  3. Lower the price for me pooper scooper! I can't afford them, but want them! lol...damn!
  4. I'll be his personal invterview person if he pays me a small fee of around 100K a year!
  5. HMMMMM.........i might just try and hit that shit up!
  6. I might take ur big brute ass up on that! Thanks Chris!
  7. Freakin sweet write up! Rep for you! Thanks man..I'll see if I can do it
  8. I had indy ducati check the sag and it was way off, and the shock can't be beacked out anymore..it is all the way out and can't go any softer..the original owner of the bike told me this so he sent me another spring that would fit me better...what do I use to support the bike when the shock is off?
  9. Sweet...Sounds like you know ur doin... Wanna help? I'll pay ya...
  10. I have a penske shock on my race bike, and the spring is to stiff..I have a replacement spring, but need a spring compressor, and a little bit more know how then myself...Anyone want to help me, or do it for me... Cash will be involved, or beer, or hookers and blow...Whatever u prefer!
  11. Thats all you need to be thinking about right now
  12. I wish I wasn't poor danget!
  13. He's a big softy! All talk
  14. I'll try and make it if I can
  15. seriously man..i might have a room for rent if u r lookin

  16. I'll be looking for a roomate soon...If you want to move into my condo, I can make it affordable..Prolly cheaper than most nice apartments...Let me know hobo!
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