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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. LOL and I also said I like the Motorcycles AND the DUCATI'S....Last I knew they were the same thing...
  2. I LOVE ROB....He almost got killed in that video though..HOLY SHIT!
  3. WOW...High side? or low side that started flipping when it hit the grass?
  4. LOL ZING! Actually they let her go with the bad economy...She didn't make the cut
  5. WTF! U live around here and never come out! PRICK!
  6. WOWZER!!! that might be as good as the head stand over the bars....WOW WOW WOW
  7. Its custom, and something different...I say props to him man... Plus he prob knows every square inch of that bike... id rock it!
  8. That one looks like the s1000rr with the 999 tail...not the one?
  9. THis thing? http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=31676&highlight=rebuild
  10. It was a guy on here...Did you guys not see that rebuild he did? ...I'll try and find the link!
  11. Damn that sucks...Why didn't he help pay for it ?
  12. Lol thats a negative..Not sure my gf would approve ... She seemed like a youngster though... But old "enough" I'm sure
  13. NO...not scripted...I wish i could change answers now..but it is what it is..they caught me off guard..apparently I love customization..LOL...and carbon fiber..LOL I'm an idiot...I wanted to talk about the clothes, bikes, girls etc..but all that would come out was customization and carbon fiber...
  15. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=131419746834
  16. I knew a "Richard Chew" aka "Dick Chew" I also new a Larry Boner... People always said it was harry, but its just Larry... But his wife worked in our elementary and she was Mrs. Boner! LOL
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