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Everything posted by Hondajt

  1. yup, was just offline. but fine now.
  2. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you were wearing your gear! Either way, I hope you make a full recovery.
  3. seems like everythings fine to me
  4. oh yeah. bumpy ride........
  5. something I can do to help? i have been assembling computers since I was a kid.
  6. yeah, our threads just go straight to hell.
  7. After work, i'd like to go for a ride. Let me know if anyone wants to join. I was thinking about going south somewhere.
  8. Every sunday morning, if it's not raining, I will be there.
  9. I have one for my Honda, but i'm not sure it will work for you. I'll be home around 6pm today.
  10. i am probably going out this morning. If anyone wants to do some riding, let me know.
  11. woot! I'm finally "in" . Why do I make gay jokes about myself?
  12. Does a V4 count? I'm closer than a VROD
  13. I was waiting for that, lol. But I love my medical shows, and it roughly qualifies.
  14. Yeah, but it's still a focus. I am just playing around. No hard feelings. "focus driver"
  15. that was great. This thread is going SO downhill.
  16. i still want to go to iron pony. but tonight im watching greys anatomy then watching wolverine at midnight.
  17. i know, and don't want to know.....
  18. im going to the midnight showing. not sure if regal or cinema delux
  19. Now I feel like an asshole. I didn't know it was a new house?!?! Congrats. Where at?
  20. stupid weather channel says its still suppossed to rain. I hate spelling.
  21. why is this thread still alive? For assfire jokes? Really? Why is everything a question?
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