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Everything posted by Hondajt

  1. bull****. Do them Sunday nighs. /e-thug/
  2. Very cool. Make sure to check out: http://www.roberthalftechnology.com/FreeResources
  3. So, Dayton Showcase or Regal? And which night.
  4. thats exactly what I want to know.
  5. I could do that. I'm nerdy enough to do a midnight run.
  6. So what happened last time? A.D.D. kick in? "Oh, harley......" And their she goes........
  7. Not mine, but i thought it was a cool shot, and a good reason to wear gear. http://www.localriders.com/photopost/data//500/MG_3755_cropped1.JPG
  8. I'm down for the greene or regal, but I am not good at organizing. Someone else pick a time?
  9. I love pictures of me looking stupid, so here we go: * <-----too cool to smile. *showing off the gut I have no self-respect
  10. so, where is the thread for the next sunday ride?
  11. I'm an X-Men junkie, and this looks like a great movie. Just wondering if we want to get a group together to go see this? Or am I just THAT big of a nerd?
  12. What about Maid-Rite in Greenville? I think they lace them with cocaine or something. They are amazing. Though not exactly a "hamburger....." http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&q=food+near+greenville,+oh&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&view=text&ei=E1z4SZiBKJv4MaO70dcD&cd=53&attrid=&sll=40.095116,-84.678744&sspn=0.078368,0.142324&latlng=40104089,-84635078,17136479326081969955# Same can be said for The Village Family Restaurant in Waynesville. Very unique food combo's, but amazingly tasty. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&sll=40.095116,-84.678744&view=text&hl=en&gl=us&q=village+family+restaurant+waynesville,+oh&ie=UTF8&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&latlng=39529076,-84087300,14246914391477259335&ei=Kl34ScNcj9o1iuGh6QM&cd=1# Here is there menu, to see what I mean. http://www.villagefamilyrestaurant.com/view%20menu.htm
  13. I'm sorry for your loss, like everyone else has said, they are family. *I can't find a better picture. But that lump of fuz, is my buster! A mini schnauzer.
  14. Hondajt


    welcome. Very cool bike. What kind of shape is it in?
  15. thanks Yeah, im badass. /e-shrug/
  16. Hondajt

    riding gear

    Let the idiots die early. Natural Selection.
  17. Thats exactly that I said! I think thats a honest to goodness snowmobile.
  18. why is my front suspension so high up? Anyone notice that? Was I accelerating that hard? http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r235/e-flores/IMG_4164.jpg
  19. Oh god, don't mention those! I'm too young. Yeah, he is cool. He has some crazy interesting stories. As him about on of his trips overseas.

  20. I had a ton of fun. Can't wait till we ride again.
  21. that rocked. sorry ChickOn2 that your battery sucked. I was hoping the jumper cables would have fixed it.
  22. Anyone wanna meet earlier for food? Call my cell. I'll be at kil-kare in about 30 minutes. Watching a friend autocross untill we leave.
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