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Everything posted by Hondajt

  1. im back from QS&L. Not really my thing. I'd rather be riding.
  2. Woot! Finally bought a helmet of my own. For over a year now, I have been borrowing a friends helmet, that didn't really fit me that well. Well, I bought a Xpeed Carbon Fiber Full Face helmet. Love it. http://www.xpeedhelmet.com/products/xcf2000.php I got it for $250. Thought it was a good dela for a helmet weighing only 1190g. It's 100% quieter than the bell apex, but still has some whine when I turn my head. But thats to be expected. I love how it fits me. That why I really got it.
  3. lol. This is so serious its actually funny. My bike is all clean and ready. I'm stoked.
  4. I am no longer surprised at the truth in this.
  5. yeah, i am replacing my chain and sprockets. When I say "fix", I mean maintain. Nothings broken, but I still have never replaced a chain before. Especially on a SSWA bike. I've been told its harder.
  6. okay, whats happening tonight? I need to meet people. Mostly so I can pay off people to help me fix my bike, but thats not important now. Dry humor. The best kind.
  7. So yeah. Its nice out. I want to be riding.
  8. the last (and only so far) Ohio-riders ride I went on was very organized. They had a system that worked well. At a light or stop sign, wait for a minute to try and let everyone catch up. It let the middle and rear groups catch back up. It let the inexperienced riders have someone to watch go through turns. Just a suggestion
  9. Well, I'm going to KK motorcycle supply this morning. The shop I work at is a vendor for them, and I am taking a tour and picking up my new chain and sprocket. I might need to call someone for some help. Any pro's out there mind helping a fellow rider? http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=kk+motorcycle+supply&near=Springboro,+OH&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&view=text&latlng=10105011920445015372&ei=uVnwSZGzA6XMM-S2nbwP&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=result&resnum=2#
  10. About time to start making an official roll call?
  11. my name, is so freakin creative. But, its widely available. Google search it. I am ALL over the place.
  12. yeah. All sorts of hell. Stupid weather. Get warmer. Instantly.
  13. these threads always go to hell don't they?
  14. whats the weather going to be? Should I wear layers?
  15. I'm off work on Thursday till 6pm. Looks like its gonna be nice. Just wondering if anyone is free?
  16. well darn, not getting the traxxion yet, but it will still be fun. I had never played with my suspension settings before, and now everything is different. It feels a lot better adjusted to fit me. It just never ocured to me, that the person before me weighed only 135 lbsand that makes a huge difference. (I'm almost 250)
  17. lol. Yeah, i'll be there. I might have my new Traxxion suspension too.
  18. congrats! What kind of bike are you looking for?
  19. tough economic times. I would probably recomend selling it. You can always buy another bike later.
  20. so is this for the school? http://www.midohio.com/School/Courses/Motorcycles/Performance-Track-Riding
  21. I would love a how-to on throttle body syncronization. My bike is making a small vibration and a howl, coming from the gas tank. I was told that I needed to sync my intake. Any thoughts? Edit* something better than this: http://fjr1300.info/howto/efi-sync.html
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