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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Yes i hate them , I have seen a couple so far , and every time i watch one my hating to this career grows. Arabs , Muslims are accused of being terrorist just because the are Arabs or Muslims. excuse me to say this but .... WTF ? I was watching Rendition a min ago . A movie about terrorists " Arabs , Muslims " one guy was kidnapped from 1 of the USA airports , on the hands of Police just because , his number was shown on a terrorist phone calling list .... WTF ? and not just that , he wasn't torturer on the hands on Americans "hahahaha " no they send them back to " what i think is Algeria " and the Algerian police kick the shit out of this guy for information " of course this informations " as shown by the movie " are for the American government" they won't dirt up their hands by an Arabian i think ......." *(^&*(^%&*%&*%&*%" Anyway .... My point is : FOR GOD'S SAKE not because someone did something that he believes is the right thing to do " and yes i mean osama ben laden " " and no i don't Agree or believe in what he did " That doesn't mean that all of us " ARABS & MUSLIMS " are following his steps........ And we shouldn't be pointed as Terrorists or suicide bombers " and no i don't believe in that either " Anyway i wana deliver a message to Hollywood movie makers " leave the %^&* of us alone " or make something that is true , that will show the goodness and kindness in Islam and Arabs " of course not all Muslims or Arabs are good " but the ^&*($# majority ARE. that was my 2 cents Haters stay away from this thread please . Other than that people please share me your Ideas " And no , i am not trying to make any groups or go against or with any political shit "
  2. ok now here is what happened I've posted a craiglist ad for my bike 1998 250 red in color , i believe alot of you have seen the picture i've posted it's almost mint , great tires , muzzy exahst black windsheild and only 4100 miles anyway i made an Ad for 1900$ " just a test " and actually someone replied , saying that they are gonna come and check the bike today ... what do you think ? should i sell it ? and if i did what can i get for 1900 ? I love bikes and not gonna stay long without 1 so advices requested plz Thanks p.s i know it's up to me in the last position but as you guys are more experienced motorbikes owners i need your advices , thanks
  3. i am having problems loading the site , it keeps saying done with a blank page
  4. Sorry to hear about your back illness , good luck on the sale . I am sure the streets would be sad as you might not ride anymore.
  5. I am not really selling the bike , but I am wondering how much it worth 1998 kawi 250 red Mint except 2 scratches 4000 miles Muzzy exuaset Kbb says 1000$ for a mint condition stock with 12000 miles What do you think this babe worth ? Thanks
  6. Hello all I am a new rider to this forum , thought about posting up and say "Hello" I've just got my first motorcycle 1998 Kawi ninja 250 " red " which I love would love to meet some other riders around here in Newphila to have some friends and ride with " as I have just moved here 3 months ago ". will include this post a pic of my bike and me so again Hello all , and hope you all enjoy your rides Thanks for taking time to read this.
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