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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. Whats up man? Good to see another Lancaster rider. What side of town are you on?

  2. Whats up man? Yeah i haven't seen you on in a few days, but i know your probably crazy busy with work. Your bike still having issues?

  3. Where in Lancaster do you live man?

  4. Where the hell have you been?

  5. Where's the pics of your bike man?

  6. Who said i was going? lol. I'm going as this guy. Remember him? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvj4Ud-RKrM

  7. Why are they telling you to tone it down? I think the skull on your bike looks great. Haha, i've looked at your website...and just from your bike, i think you can handle it.

    Flames like this would be pretty sweet. front-fender-freehand-flame.jpg

    This skull looks awesome, i'm sure you could improve on it. Airbrush_Green-Skulls-5.jpg

  8. Why do you dye it? Looks natural to me. And...yes, i have a huge thing for gingers.:D

  9. Wow, that sucks. Yeah...i would pretty much rule that one out. There's always more on CL like you said. Good luck with it man, did the guy make it out ok?

  10. Yeah i bet. People are always wanting their bike to look good, that never changes. Hey, do you happen to know of anyone hiring, for...anything? lol.

  11. Yeah, a long assessment test. lol. So, what did they do? Try to make you go through a hoop or 2, to see if you could get to the actual site? Yeah...i don't know. A terrible worker...could answer as well as anyone. We'll see what happens. Hoping for the best. haha.

  12. Yeah, good and bad man. Glad to know your ok, and will be fine in due time. Are you sure your not getting the better end of the deal here? Jk. :p

    Money for the bike and lost wages, plus you get to keep the bike. Nice, still sucks what happened, and glad you made it out ok bud. I know it sucks not being able to ride man, i am just NOW, finally picking up a bike tonight. Can't wait to get on the road. It's been too long since i have had my own. Get well soon and get back out on the road and we'll ride man. Just no semi's this time. :D

  13. Yeah, i can understand. At least your gf wants to ride with you. Although...i like to ride by myself to get away, or it comes to this. lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQiuj8bJSeQ

    Good luck with the sale man. I'm sure you'll find a buyer by springtime. Maybe...take some nude pics of your gf on it...? Ohh...wait. :p

  14. Yeah, i think the orange and white would look great too. Cool deal on the truck. What's under the hood on that thing? Both the truck and the bike look pretty awesome either way.

  15. Yeah, i wonder why your bike would be prettier lol. Probably has nothing to do with that custom paint job :p

  16. Yeah, i would too. I'm just curious as to what you would buy next. You still thinking about buying an older goldwing, plus having a track bike?

  17. Yeah, it was pissing me off big time. I got out of it, what i put into it. So..no big deal. And...yes i'm the most impatient guy you'll ever meet. If you got the money...i would go buy a running beater bike man lol. Something that looks like shit, but runs good. I know how you feel, i wanted to ride like hell too. But...not really cool to do that when the bike sounds like it's gonna blow up at any second all the time. Oh well...i'm back in the waiting boat..just like you. Glad i could rejoin you.:D

  18. Yeah, we'll try and make it past nine.

  19. Yeah. Honestly...it's no better than it was before i had the surgery. It still looks like i have the mass haha. Everything's a little painful at the moment, but i know i can ride. Been trying to get my brother to let me take his bike out for a spin. Hey, sure man. Anyone who has a passion for bikes is just fine with me. I cant wait to get a bike and meet people from here.

    Damn. That sucks man. If they didn't fix it right the 1st time, i wouldn't pay again. But thats just me. That sounds like a pretty sweet idea. I love the design on your tank. Just wear some gloves when you clean it lol. Thanks man. I have been looking at a few bikes. I hope to have one in the next month. "prays"

  20. Yeah. How did you know? lol.

  21. Yeah. I tried to message you before you logged out. A 84 Honda Sabre 700. Next time you head down this way, i'll show it to you.

  22. Yeah. I've definitely heard of some horror stories about nos. I actually had a 00 Gt stang and the 95 3.8, sold both of those. Bought my Fairlane, ran with that for a while, sold it. Blew...all the money...like a fucking moron. (Was before i got into bikes, or i would have one) So now, i'm stuck with a pos grand am. lol.

  23. Yeah. There isn't much that i have found. lol. Yep. Just a little. Would love to own something like that. I may have a couple options, down the road. We'll see how it goes.

  24. Yeah...i don't think ladies like to be called whore's in any con-text lol. That's awesome. I think i looked at it, it's teal green isn't it? Are you ever planning on getting a non dual sport bike? You have higher ed listed as an occupation.

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