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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. I had a woman basically do this to me on my other sabre (85 V65) Stop and go traffic and slammed on the brakes. Handle bars flew out of hands. We're both big guys, but cruisers are heavy man!

  2. Good to hear it wasn't anything else. Stuff happens man. Jason (Jagr) is a good guy, glad he was able to help you out.

  3. Hey. Read about your spill. You and the bike good?

  4. You guess? lol. Have you ever played one before? Fif (did?) No. None at all. Like i said, it was bought for me at christmas. I played it a couple times. I even got a subscription to gamerang, and the games went unplayed for months at a time. Even more so, once i picked up the bike. The baseball game was the one i really put any time into. The rest of the time it was used as a dvd player.

  5. Ahh no worries man. I think all of us ended up leaving around 8:30 anyway. Any issues with the ps3?

  6. Hey. I made it to Catolfino's wtf were you? lol. How's that ps3 working for you btw?

  7. Haha. Thanks Tom. I know it's not perfect. It is what it is for 900$, and an 84. A bike that runs and rides.

  8. I bet it runs better than your kawi. Go put some nos energy drink in your tank. lulz.

  9. Sorry sold to Jagr. Forgot to close thread.

  10. Oh. Hey man. Meant to tell you, had a blast with everyone. I think i got there, maybe an hour before you did? Haven't drank that much in a while. lol.

  11. It's MR. Cracker. lol. Call me if you need direction's or what not. Pmed you with address and number.

  12. Gotta be a good feeling to be out there. Have a blast. Take pics! Newds for these perves :p

  13. lol. I was referring to the not so nice bullshit thread. :p I totally forgot about that. How's that going? Have you been able to sight see yet?

  14. You didn't see my comments right? lol. :p

  15. Happy birthday. Didn't you just have one? lol.

  16. No. lol. Just recognized you and your husband. I was around when you were looking at cheech's bike. Amazingly, no pics...for some reason. I thought for sure i'd be in some. That's not a bad thing though. I had the 82 Sabre there. Very true, but can't wait for something newer.

  17. No worries man. Just curious. Sorry to hear you couldn't make it out. Yes i did. Rode up with Max Power, and Blake1221. Had fun, but the ride home in the wind was HORRIBLE.

  18. Did you make it out to the dyno?

  19. Didn't really introduce myself, but good seeing you and gib at the dyno. I was the guy in the gray jacket with the shitty bike. lol. Love your accent by the way. :D

  20. Good seeing you at the dyno bud.

  21. Good seeing you at the dyno man. "touch my luscious noobies"? Did i miss something, or did you forget a B? :wtf:

  22. Good seeing you again. That doodle on Cheech's bike was kick ass. :D

  23. Are you making it out to the Dyno?

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