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Everything posted by EvilTwin

  1. EvilTwin

    1911 ?

    You mean obstinate right?
  2. some people should not be allowed outside...
  3. EvilTwin

    1911 ?

    I wasn't arguing with you.
  4. EvilTwin

    1911 ?

    See I told you it was coming ^
  5. EvilTwin

    1911 ?

    Lance will preach Kimber over POS Colts every chance he gets, so just a heads up before he sees this thread.
  6. So did you guys get speeding tickets?

  7. I'm an ISTJ Famous people like me: Thomas the Apostle, George Washington, Andrew Johnson, Benjamin Harrison, Herbert Hoover, George H. W. Bush, Evander Holyfield, etc.
  8. Got pulled over for what? Park Rangers can't give speeding tickets can they?

  9. I just got back from Canada today, I was there all of last week. So I guess I missed out on the hocking ride.

  10. I would take it, but I'm Mr. A might hop on it though.
  11. I like the one of Lorenzo b/c you can see his face, and the look of intense concentration... or constipation, I'm not really sure which.
  12. I think I'm going to leave the action shots to E next time and just go around and shoot all the custom bikes. Unless I rent a really nice lens, then I'll be on the fence yelling at the official photographers to get the fuck out of my shot
  13. I'll trade you for your lens
  14. Damn that's faster than my bike
  15. Moar pictars!!! and here's a link to the slide show of all 88 images that I deemed halfway decent out of the 646 that I took: http://s27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/nosaj4268/Indy%2009/?albumview=slideshow
  16. He cheated and rented a lens that cost $1500 new
  17. EvilTwin

    DSC 5206

    From the album: Moto GP Indy 09

  18. EvilTwin

    DSC 5203

    From the album: Moto GP Indy 09

  19. EvilTwin

    DSC 5174

    From the album: Moto GP Indy 09

  20. EvilTwin

    DSC 5167

    From the album: Moto GP Indy 09

  21. EvilTwin

    DSC 5144

    From the album: Moto GP Indy 09

  22. EvilTwin

    DSC 5122

    From the album: Moto GP Indy 09

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