I know your question has been answered but I just wanted to give you a heads up on a certain issue. I also have a 95 zx6r and in cold weather it doesn't like to start so I have to crank it numerous times; but because the fuel pump stays on it likes to flood. So if your ever having trouble starting your bike, remember to turn it off after every 3 tries or so. You may have known this already, but I'm just trying share some model specific knowledge. And I can back up dustinsn3485's claim 100% that 95 ZX6Rs have fuel pumps. As annoying as they may be they definitely are nice to have from a performance stand point. Although technically dustin, the ZX6R came out in 95, the 93-94s were just ZX6 (no R, model name ZX600E); though they look remarkably similar.