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Everything posted by 954RRLuke

  1. Your entry fee to the party is now $50...
  2. You find out if the old lady was coming yet?
  3. I got kind of a small driveway and no street parking but there's plenty of space in the front yard. JUST NO LAWN JOBS OR THE WIFE WILL KILL ME! LOL:D
  4. Yeah, I hope you can make it out either way. You won't be the only cage there if do have to drive. Just let me know by Wednesday man. Hope to see you there.
  5. That's awesome Catman. I'll have to try to get Lisa into it.
  6. Sounds good man, just let me know by Wednesday if you want to eat. Congrats on the daughter's last day of school. Passing grades is always a good thing...
  7. I need people to PM ME! otherwise I don't know what you want to eat and you may end up getting LIVER!
  8. Lisa may have a problem with that...
  9. If you don't have the bike by then you could possibly cage it with Jerm?
  10. Cookout at my place on Friday. We are going to meet at Chipotle at 5:30-6:00 and go out for an hour long ride with some new roads that Mr.Mako and Nate found this past week. Everyone is invited but please PM me if you are planning on attending so we can get the food around. Food, Cornhole, beerpong, music, and drinks will be included. We are going to be having Montgomery Inn ribs or chicken, your choice. Catman is hooking us up but if everyone could chip in 5 bucks that would be great. Also, we need to have a final head count by Wednesday so I can pick up the ribs. I live in East West Chester and it's easy to find. When you PM me please include your food of choise and I'll PM you my address and directions back. Hope to see everyone there!
  11. :lol::lol::lol::lol::banana::honda::honda:
  12. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=27873 Here's the thread Noel. I took them out on my roads and a very tricky blind S-curve ate Nate for breakfast. He's alright but the bike is a little scratched up...
  13. We got to get that bike fix asap. If Matt doesn't have his little buddy to ride with he's going to be a bitch to deal with. Did you call the dealership about the shifter yet? I'll check ebay and see what I come up with...
  14. I bet Nate might cruise up there with ya in second gear. j/k. Nate, let me know if you need any help fixing your bike because I work 5 minutes from your house. I could stop by pretty much any day next week after work.
  15. Nope, wasn't me. I worked all day, came home, then went out with Matt and Nate...
  16. I hope so man. Like I said, we didn't make it to a really good road full of twisties. I like the variety you get out there. Hills, a couple nice S-Curves and straightaways for some fun top speed action. Hopefully we can all head back out there when you get the bike fix up.
  17. Says the guy that would get smoked by a 4 year old girl on a tricycle in the twisties....
  18. I love those hills man. I love pulling power wheelies off of them. If only Matt was man enough to even try pulling a wheelie...
  19. It was all my fault....I should have taken it alot slower than I did. It's a really tough S-curve for someone that knows it let alone someone that has never ridden that road before. Luckily no one got hurt so it was all good. Hope you get the bike fix up quick so we can get back out there Nate.
  20. Exactly, we all have to deal with some of the shitty cops in this town. Why shouldn't she? Although, I'm sure if I was in the same position I would try to pull some strings too. Just not in front of the dash cam. I wonder who she was hanging out with that had his liscense suspended three times!
  21. It's just a female Cincinnati city council member getting pulled over on her bike and calling some high up people trying to get out of a bullshit liscense plate ticket. It's from the dash cam perspective...
  22. +1 to that. One of the best all time movies....
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